hibiscus.depotviewer copied to clipboard
Java 15+ compatibility
Java 15+ doesn't package nashorn anymore, thus with java 17 (LTS) or 21 (current) you get:
[ERROR][main][de.open4me.depot.DepotViewerPlugin.checkJavaStockQuotesDirectory] Fehler beim Laden von ariva.js
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "javax.script.ScriptEngine.put(String, Object)" because "engine" is null
at jsq.fetcher.history.GenericJSFetcher.
Solution: In your dependencies (usually e.g. a maven pom.xml, but I don't see any build system file in this repo??) add:
@littleyoda There is a new version of JavaStockQuotes which does not rely on Nashorn anymore. Please replace v0.1.2 with java-stock-quotes-0.1.4.jar from https://github.com/faiteanu/JavaStockQuotes/releases/tag/v0.1.4