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SamplingAug: On the Importance of Patch Sampling Augmentation for Single Image Super-Resolution (BMVC2021)


This repository holds the official PyTorch implementation of the paper "SamplingAug: On the Importance of Patch Sampling Augmentation for Single Image Super-Resolution".

SamplingAug: On the Importance of Patch Sampling Augmentation for Single Image Super-Resolution
Shizun Wang, Ming Lu, Kaixin Chen, Jiaming Liu, Xiaoqi Li, Chuang zhang, Ming Wu
BMVC 2021 [paper] [supp]



With the development of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), plenty of methods based on DNNs have been proposed for Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR). However, existing methods mostly train the DNNs on uniformly sampled LR-HR patch pairs, which makes them fail to fully exploit informative patches within the image. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective data augmentation method. We first devise a heuristic metric to evaluate the informative importance of each patch pair. In order to reduce the computational cost for all patch pairs, we further propose to optimize the calculation of our metric by integral image, achieving about two orders of magnitude speedup. The training patch pairs are sampled according to their informative importance with our method. Extensive experiments show our sampling augmentation can consistently improve the convergence and boost the performance of various SISR architectures, including EDSR, RCAN, RDN, SRCNN and ESPCN across different scaling factors (x2, x3, x4).


  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch >= 1.2.0
  • numpy
  • numba
  • skimage
  • imageio
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm
  • cv2


Dataset preparation

We use DIV2K dataset to train models. You can download it from here (7.1GB).

We evaluate models on benchmarks: Set5, Set14, B100, Urban100. You can download them from here (250MB).

Unpack the dataset files to any place you want. Then, change the --dir_data <dataset_dir> argument to the directory where datasets are located. The data structure looks like below:

├── DIV2K
├── benchmark
│   ├── Set5
│   ├── Set14
│   ├── B100
│   ├── Urban100

Data preprocess

  1. Generate binaries
    We pre-process the images before training. This step will decode all png files and save them as binaries.
python preprocess/ --dir_data <dataset_dir>
  1. Generate metric list by informative importance (greedy sampling)
    Then we calculate informative importance (II) of each patch in the dataset and generate an index list sorted by II (ascending). Index is the (u,v)th patch (u - y axis, v - x axis). Low II indicates difficult samples, which is more worth training
python preprocess/ --dir_data <dataset_dir>
  1. (Optional) Generate metric list by informative importance (throwing darts sampling)
    generate an index list sorted by II (ascending) with throwing darts sampling.
python preprocess/ --dir_data <dataset_dir>
  1. (Optional) Generate metric list by informative importance (NMS sampling)
    generate an index list sorted by II (ascending) with NMS sampling.
python preprocess/ --dir_data <dataset_dir>

Training and Testing

# train EDSR normally
python --template EDSR_baseline
# train EDSR using SamplingAug
python --template EDSR_sa
# test EDSR on benchmarks
python --template EDSR_test

There are lots of training and testing templates in, run them by command:

python --template xxx

And the args explaination is in the

  • For normal training,
    --data_train is set to DIV2K by default.

  • For SamplingAug training,
    --data_train should be set to DIV2K_SA.
    Meanwhile --data_portion should be specified a portion (e.g. 0.1).
    And --file_suffix also should be set for the retrieval of index list files, different files represents different metrics or different sampling strategies (e.g.,,,

  • For test,
    --test_only can be set true, and if GPU memory is not enough, args.chop can be activated for memory-efficient forwarding.


  title={SamplingAug: On the Importance of Patch Sampling Augmentation for Single Image Super-Resolution},
  author={Wang, Shizun and Lu, Ming and Chen, Kaixin and Liu, Jiaming and Li, Xiaoqi and Zhang, chuang and Wu, Ming},


This code is built on EDSR codebase. We thank the authors for sharing the codes.