lrabbit_scrapy copied to clipboard
a quick start python mutil thread crawl
this is a small spider,you can easy running. you don't have to redo some repeated code every time, using this small framework you can quickly crawl data into a file or database.
python >=3.6.8
$ pip3 install lrabbit_scrapy
quick start
- python3 -m lrabbit_scrapy new_scrapy blog
- then will create a directory of blog,this is file content
from lrabbit_scrapy.spider import LrabbitSpider
from lrabbit_scrapy.common_utils.network_helper import RequestSession
from lrabbit_scrapy.common_utils.print_log_helper import LogUtils
from lrabbit_scrapy.common_utils.all_in_one import FileStore
import os
from lrabbit_scrapy.common_utils.mysql_helper import MysqlClient
from parsel import Selector
class Spider(LrabbitSpider):
spider_name : lrabbit blog spider
# unique spider name
spider_name = "lrabbit_blog"
# max thread worker numbers
max_thread_num = 2
# is open for every thread a mysql connection,if your max_thread_num overpass 10 and in code need mysql query ,you need open this config
thread_mysql_open = True
# reset all task_list,every restart program will init task list
reset_task_config = False
# open loop init_task_list ,when your task is all finish,and you want again ,you can open it
loop_task_config = False
# remove config option,if open it,then confirm option when you init task
remove_confirm_config = False
# config_path_name, this is env name ,is this code ,you need in linux to execute: export config_path="crawl.ini"
config_env_name = "config_path"
# redis db_num
redis_db_config = 0
# debug log ,open tracback log
debug_config = False
def __init__(self):
self.session = RequestSession()
self.proxy_session = RequestSession(proxies=None)
csv_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), f"{self.spider_name}.csv")
self.field_names = ['id', 'title', 'datetime']
self.blog_file = FileStore(file_path=csv_path, filed_name=self.field_names)
def worker(self, *args):
task = args[0]
mysql_client: MysqlClient
if len(args) == 2:
mysql_client = args[1]
# mysql_client.execute("")
res = self.session.send_request(method='GET', url=f'{task}')
selector = Selector(res.text)
title = selector.css(".detail-title h1::text").get()
datetime = selector.css(".detail-info span::text").get()
if title:
post_data = {"id": task, "title": title, 'datetime': datetime}
# when you succes get content update redis stat
def init_task_list(self):
# you can get init task from mysql
# res = self.mysql_client.query("select id from rookie limit 100 ")
# return [task['id'] for task in res]
return [i for i in range(100)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
spider = Spider()
set config.ini and config env variable
- create crawl.ini,for example this file path is /root/crawl.ini
[server] mysql_user = root mysql_password = 123456 mysql_database = test mysql_host = redis_user = lrabbit redis_host = redis_port = 6379 redis_password = 123456 [test] mysql_user = root mysql_password = 123456 mysql_database = test mysql_host = redis_user = lrabbit redis_host = redis_port = 6379 redis_password = 123456
- set config env
- windows power shell
- $env:config_path = "/root/crawl.ini"
- linux
- export config_path="/root/crawl.ini"
other function
- python3 stat
- show task stat
- python3 -m lrabbit-scrapy sslpass
- pass android ssl
- author: