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Argo integration with LitmusChaos to create Chaos Workflows


Chaos Workflows are a set of actions strung together to achieve desired chaos impact on a Kubernetes cluster. Workflows are an effective mechanism to simulate real world conditions & gauge application behaviour in an effective manner. Take these usecases for example:

  • Most often, failures do not occur as isolated, single instances. There maybe underlying chronic application-specific or deploy-environment induced conditions on the cluster when other failures occur, effectively causing a multi-component/complex failure. Such as, pod failures occurring when other nodes are in sub-optimal or unschedulable states.

  • Running chaos under highly loaded conditions. The parallel actions of a benchmark run on an app deployment and staggered chaos during this run is highly instructive of the performance characteristic & deployment sanity of the application.

Workflows are also useful in automating a series of pre-conditioning/setup actions necessary to be performed before triggering chaos.

LitmusChaos leverages the popular workflow & GitOps tool Argo to achieve this. Argo facilitates creation of a whole lot of chaos workflow models while being extremely simple & efficient to use.

This repository hosts predefined workflows based on LitmusChaos experiments you can pick for use, while also the dev/usage docs that explain the procedure to construct your own chaos workflows.

You can refer to the following presentation made by Michael Knyazev during the Chaos Carnival 2021 about how Chaos Workflows can be used in constructing Reliability Pipelines on Amazon EKS.

Building Reliability Pipelines with Chaos Workflows

Getting Started

The subsequent section explains how to get started with a simple chaos workflow that disrupts (via pod-delete chaos) a multi-replica nginx deployment while a load generator generates benchmark traffic against it. The typical usecase for such a chaos workflow as this is to be able to observe the extent of degradation in completed requests & request rate (resiliency & perf indicators).

Users can play around the benchmark as well as chaos parameters as part of a detailed experiment to understand application behaviour & fix the bugs/deployment issues and arrive at achievable SLAs.

Install Argo Workflow Infrastructure

The Argo workflow infra consists of the Argo workflow CRDs, Workflow Controller, associated RBAC & Argo CLI. The steps shown below installs argo in the standard cluster-wide mode wherein the workflow controller operates on all namespaces. Ensure that you have the right permission to be able to create the said resources.

If you would like to run argo with a namespace scope, refer to this manifest.

  • Create argo namespace

    root@demo:~/chaos-workflows# kubectl create ns argo
    namespace/argo created
  • Create the CRDs, workflow controller deployment with associated RBAC

    root@demo:~/chaos-workflows# kubectl apply -f created created created created
    serviceaccount/argo created
    serviceaccount/argo-server created created configured configured configured configured configured created unchanged unchanged
    configmap/workflow-controller-configmap created
    service/argo-server created
    service/workflow-controller-metrics created
    deployment.apps/argo-server created
    deployment.apps/workflow-controller created
  • Verify successful creation of argo resources

    root@demo:~/chaos-workflows# kubectl get crds | grep argo                         2020-05-15T03:01:31Z                                    2020-05-15T03:01:31Z                                        2020-05-15T03:01:31Z                                2020-05-15T03:01:31Z
    root@demo:~/chaos-workflows# kubectl api-resources | grep argo
    clusterworkflowtemplates          clusterwftmpl,cwft                              false        ClusterWorkflowTemplate
    cronworkflows                     cronwf,cwf                               true         CronWorkflow
    workflows                         wf                                       true         Workflow
    workflowtemplates                 wftmpl                                   true         WorkflowTemplate
    root@demo:~/chaos-workflows# kubectl get pods -n argo
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    argo-server-65cbb4874c-cbq2h           0/1     Running   0          12s
    workflow-controller-55bffbdbfd-c4jdf   1/1     Running   0          12s
  • Install the argo CLI on the harness/test machine (where the kubeconfig is available)

    root@demo:~# curl -sLO
    root@demo:~# chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
    root@demo:~# mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
    root@demo:~# argo version
    argo: v2.8.0
    BuildDate: 2020-05-11T22:55:16Z
    GitCommit: 8f696174746ed01b9bf1941ad03da62d312df641
    GitTreeState: clean
    GitTag: v2.8.0
    GoVersion: go1.13.4
    Compiler: gc
    Platform: linux/amd64

Install Litmus Infrastructure

Refer to the LitmusChaos documentation to get started on installing Litmus infra on your Kubernetes clusters. In this example, we will use the admin mode of execution where all chaos resources will be created in the centralized namespace, litmus.

Install a Sample Application: Nginx

  • Install a simple multi-replica stateless nginx deployment with service exposed over nodeport

    root@demo:~# kubectl apply -f
    deployment.extensions/nginx created
    root@demo:~# kubectl apply -f
    service/nginx created 

    You can access this service over https://<node-ip>:<nodeport>

Create the Argo Access ServiceAccount

  • Create the service account and associated RBAC which will be used by the Argo workflow controller to execute the actions specified in the workflow. In our case, this corresponds to the launch of the nginx benchmark job, creating the chaosengine to trigger the pod-delete chaos action. In our example, we place it in the namespace where the litmus chaos resources reside.

    root@demo:~# kubectl apply -f -n litmus
    serviceaccount/argo-chaos created created created

Create the Pod-Delete ChaosExperiment CR

  • Create the pod-delete chaosexperiment custom resource in litmus namespace. This example makes use of the chaostoolkit chart as the means to execute the chaos.

    root@demo:~# kubectl apply -f -n litmus created
    root@demo:~# kubectl get chaosexperiments -n litmus
    NAME            AGE
    k8-pod-delete   13s

Create the Chaos Workflow

  • Applying the workflow manifest performs the following actions in parallel:

    • Starts a nginx benchmark job for specified duration (60s)
    • Triggers a random pod-kill of the nginx replicas by creating the chaosengine CR. Cleans up after chaos.
    root@demo:~# argo submit -n litmus
    Name:                argowf-chaos-sl2cn
    Namespace:           litmus
    ServiceAccount:      argo-chaos
    Status:              Pending
    Created:             Fri May 15 15:31:45 +0000 (now)
      appNamespace:      default
      adminModeNamespace: litmus
      appLabel:          nginx
      fileName:          pod-app-kill-count.json  

Visualize the Chaos Workflow

  • You can visualize the progress of the chaos workflow via the Argo UI. Convert the argo-server service to type NodePort & view the dashboard at https://<node-ip>:<nodeport>

    root@demo:~# kubectl patch svc argo-server -n argo -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
    service/argo-server patched


Running Chaos experiments from a Jenkins pipeline

  • setting up jenkins job and triggering the argo workflow from Jenkins. This will have the benefits of running the tests as a pipeline, schedule it store the results, run as downstream etc.

  • Steps

    1. Create the KUBECONFIG using the token from the argo-chaos service account
    2. Connect to namespace where you created the argo-chaos service account and execute below command to get the token
    APISERVER=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
    SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get serviceaccount $SERVICE_ACCOUNT -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
    TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret $SECRET_NAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
    1. Create the KUBECONFIG using the above token
    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: asjdsajkdsajdhkjsadhak==
      name: abcdef-ppd-usw2.cluster.k8s.local
    - context:
        cluster: 'abcdef-ppd-usw2.cluster.k8s.local'
        namespace: 'abcdef-perf-infra-usw2-ppd-pfi'
        user: 'argo-chaos'
      name: service-account
    current-context: service-account
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: 'argo-chaos'
        token: '<token here>'
    1. Upload the KUBECONFIG file in credentials section in Jenkins as secret file - refer below screenshot
    2. Setup the Jenkins job and refer the Jenkinsfile
    3. Once all setup complete you can trigger the Jenkins job Jenkins Pipeline argo