lite-xl-lsp copied to clipboard
lint+ and lsp does not work well with rust-analyzer
when i edit a file with mistakes in rust-analyzer server, lint+ statusview warnings do not appear despite having 12 warnings from LSP Diagnostics:
i then toggle diagnostics 2 times. 1st time nothing changes (expected as diagnostics is now turned off), 2nd time diagnostics appear (diagnostics is back to being on):
i then make a single change (added a _ at the front of the input function), suddenly all the diagnostics are turned off. i need to repeat the steps above (toggle diagnostics 2 times) for the diagnostics to appear again:
i have tested this with clangd
server on c
files and clangd
does not seem to have this problem. could it be the way each server is set up in config.lua
OS: Windows Version: Lite XL v2.1.1
Is this still an issue?