css icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
css copied to clipboard

Lissom.CSS is a classless, minimalist, accessible, and themeable CSS library


The web is bloated. Trackers, advertisements, third-party JavaScript, custom fonts, unoptimized images, and useless CSS are prevalent on too many websites, all detrimental to user experience.

Lissom.CSS is a classless, minimalist, accessible, and themeable CSS library that aims to address the issue of styling web pages.


HTML element(s) Status
<b></b>, <strong></strong>, <i></i>,
<em></em>, <s></s>
<code></code>, <pre></pre>
<dl></dl>, <dt></dt>, <dd></dd>
<figure></figure>, <figcaption></figcaption>,
<fieldset></fieldset>, <legend></legend>
<form></form> 🟡
<h1></h1> - <h6></h6>
<hr />
<img />
<ins></ins>, <del></del>
<table></table> 🟡
<ul></ul>, <ol></ol>, <li></li>

Legend: ✅ supported; 🟡 partially supported (WIP); ❌ not yet supported but will be in the future

For minifying the CSS, I use this tool.