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A vite plugin server and build your.user.js for userscript engine like Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat


npm package node compatibility

README | 中文文档

vite plugin server and build *.user.js for Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey and Greasemonkey


  • support Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey and Greasemonkey
  • inject userscript comment to build bundle
  • auto open *.user.js in default browser when userscript change
  • external cdn url inject to userscript @require
  • use GM_api by ESM import with type hints
  • when vite preview, auto open browser install dist.user.js
  • full typescript support and vite feature

quick usage (recommend)

just like vite create

pnpm create monkey
# npm create monkey
# yarn create monkey

then you can choose the following template

JavaScript TypeSript
empty (only js) empty-ts (only ts)
vanilla (js + css) vanilla-ts (ts + css)
vue vue-ts
react react-ts
preact preact-ts
svelte svelte-ts
Sample: Initializing a Template


Sample: Hot Module Replacement


Sample: Build & Preview



pnpm add -D vite-plugin-monkey
# npm i -D vite-plugin-monkey
# yarn add -D vite-plugin-monkey



export interface MonkeyOption {
   * userscript entry file path
  entry: string;
  userscript: MonkeyUserScript;
  format?: Format;

   * alias of vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client
   * @default '$'
   * @example
   * // vite.config.ts, plugin will auto modify config
   * resolve: {
   *   alias: {
   *     [clientAlias]: 'vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client',
   *   },
   * }
   * @example
   * // vite-env.d.ts, you must manual modify .env file
   * declare module clientAlias {
   *   export * from 'vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client';
   * }
  clientAlias?: string;
  server?: {
     * auto open *.user.js in default browser when userscript comment change or vite server first start
     * @default true
    open?: boolean;

     * name prefix, distinguish server.user.js and build.user.js in monkey extension install list, if you not want prefix, set false
     * @default 'dev:'
    prefix?: string | ((name: string) => string) | false;

     * mount GM_api to unsafeWindow, not recommend it, you should use GM_api by ESM import
     * @default false
    mountGmApi?: boolean;
  build?: {
     * build bundle userscript file name, it should end with '.user.js'
     * @default (||'monkey')+'.user.js'
    fileName?: string;

     * build bundle userscript comment file name, this file is only include comment
     * it can be used by userscript.updateURL, when checking for updates, just download this small file instead of downloading the entire script
     * it should end with '.meta.js', if set false, will not generate this file
     * if set true, will equal to fileName.replace(/\\.user\\.js$/,'.meta.js')
     * @default false
    metaFileName?: string | boolean;

     * @example
     * {
     *  vue:'Vue',
     *  // need manually set userscript.require = ['[email protected]/dist/']
     *  vuex:['Vuex', '[email protected]/dist/'],
     *  // use fixed version, plugin will auto add this url to userscript.require
     *  vuex:['Vuex', (version, name)=>`${name}@${version}/dist/`],
     *  // best recommended this
     * }
     * // type Lib2Url = (version: string, name: string) => string
    externalGlobals?: Record<
      string | [string, ...(string | Lib2Url)[]]

     * according to final code bundle, auto inject GM_* or GM.* to userscript comment grant
     * the judgment is based on String.prototype.includes
     * @default true
    autoGrant?: boolean;

     * check all require urls for availability, http code is 2xx
     * @default false
    checkCDN?: boolean;


 * UserScript, merge metadata from Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasyfork
export type MonkeyUserScript = GreasemonkeyUserScript &
  TampermonkeyUserScript &
  ViolentmonkeyUserScript &
  GreasyforkUserScript &
  • GreasemonkeyUserScript
  • TampermonkeyUserScript
  • ViolentmonkeyUserScript
  • GreasyforkUserScript
  • MergemonkeyUserScript


 * format userscript comment
export type Format = {
   * @description note font_width/font_family, suggest fixed-width font
   * @default 2, true
  align?: number | boolean | AlignFunc;

export type AlignFunc = (
  p0: [string, ...string[]][],
) => [string, ...string[]][];

externalGlobals cdn util

// use example
import { cdn } from 'vite-plugin-monkey';
  externalGlobals: {
    'blueimp-md5': cdn.bytecdntp('md5', 'js/md5.min.js'),

there is the following cdn to use, full detail see cdn.ts

if you want use other cdn, you can see external-scripts

ESM GM_api

we can use GM_api by esm module

import { GM_cookie, unsafeWindow, monkeyWindow, GM_addElement } from '$';
// $ is the alias of vite-plugin-monkey/dist/client, you can use others

// whatever it is serve or build mode, monkeyWindow is always the window of [UserScript Scope]

GM_addElement(document.body, 'div', { innerHTML: 'hello' });

// whatever it is serve or build mode, unsafeWindow is always host window
if (unsafeWindow == window) {
  console.log('scope->host, esm mode');
} else {
  console.log('scope->monkey, iife mode');
GM_cookie.list({}, (cookies, error) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    const [cookie] = cookies;
    if (cookie) {


vite config is simple, see vite.config.ts, build file see example-project.user.js

and preact/react/svelte/vanilla/vue examples see create-monkey

some note


you can use Tampermonkey then open extension://iikmkjmpaadaobahmlepeloendndfphd/options.html#nav=settings

at Security, set Modify existing content security policy (CSP) headers to Remove entirely (possibly unsecure)

full detail see issues/1

and if you use Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey, you can solve it in the following ways


because of vite/issues/1639, now you can not use @vitejs/plugin-legacy

the following is a feasible solution by @require cdn

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import monkeyPlugin from 'vite-plugin-monkey';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      userscript: {
        require: [
          // polyfill all
          // or use