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Literature Scanner: Automated collection & analyses of the scientific literature.

========================= LISC - Literature Scanner

|ProjectStatus|_ |Version|_ |BuildStatus|_ |Coverage|_ |License|_ |PythonVersions|_ |Publication|_

.. |ProjectStatus| image:: .. _ProjectStatus:

.. |Version| image:: .. _Version:

.. |BuildStatus| image:: .. _BuildStatus:

.. |Coverage| image:: .. _Coverage:

.. |License| image:: .. _License:

.. |PythonVersions| image:: .. _PythonVersions:

.. |Publication| image:: .. _Publication:

LISC is a package for collecting and analyzing the scientific literature.


LISC acts as a wrapper and connector between available APIs, allowing users to collect data from and about scientific articles, and perform analyses on this data, such as performing automated meta-analyses.

A curated list of some projects enabled by LISC is available on the projects <>_ page.

Supported APIs & Collection Approaches

Supported APIs and data collection approaches include:

- The `EUtils <>`_ API, which provides access to literature data,
  including the `Pubmed <>`_ database, from which text and meta-data from
  identified articles can be collected, as well as analyses such as counts and co-occurrences of terms.
- The `OpenCitations <>`_ API, which provides access to citation data, from which
  citation and reference information can be collected.

Analysis & Other Functionality

In addition to connecting to external APIs, LISC also provides:

- A database structure, and save and load utilities for storing collected data
- Custom data objects for managing and preprocessing collected data
- Functions and utilities to analyze collected data
- Data visualization functions for plotting collected data and analysis outputs


Documentation is available on the `documentation site <>`_.

This documentation includes:

- `Tutorials <>`_:
  with a step-by-step guide through the module and how to use it
- `Examples <>`_:
  demonstrating example analyses and use cases, and other functionality
- `API list <>`_:
  which lists and describes all the code and functionality available in the module
- `Reference <>`_:
  with information for how to reference and report on using the module

For a curated list of projects that use LISC check out the `projects <>`_ page.


LISC is written in Python 3, and requires Python >= 3.6 to run.


- `numpy <>`_
- `requests <>`_
- `lxml <>`_
- `beautifulsoup4 <>`_

Optional dependencies, used for plotting, analyses & testing:

- `matplotlib <>`_
- `seaborn <>`_
- `scipy <>`_
- `wordcloud <>`_
- `pytest <>`_


Stable releases of LISC are released on the Github
`release page <>`_, and on
`PYPI <>`_.

Descriptions of updates and changes across versions are available in the
`changelog <>`_.

**Stable Release Version**

To install the latest stable release, you can install from pip:

.. code-block:: shell

    $ pip install lisc

LISC can also be installed with conda, from the conda-forge channel:

.. code-block:: shell

    $ conda install -c conda-forge lisc

**Development Version**

To get the development version (updates that are not yet published to pip), you can clone this repository.

.. code-block:: shell

    $ git clone

To install this cloned copy of LISC, move into the directory you just cloned, and run:

.. code-block:: shell

    $ pip install .

**Editable Version**

If you want to install an editable version, for making contributions, download the development
version as above, and run:

.. code-block:: shell

    $ pip install -e .


If you use this code in your project, please cite

    Donoghue, T. (2018)  LISC: A Python Package for Scientific Literature Collection and Analysis.
    Journal of Open Source Software, 4(41), 1674. DOI: 10.21105/joss.01674

Direct Link:

More information for how to cite this method can be found on the
`reference page <>`_.


This project welcomes and encourages contributions from the community!

To file bug reports and/or ask questions about this project, please use the
`Github issue tracker <>`_.

To see and get involved in discussions about the module, check out:

- the `issues board <>`_ for topics relating to code updates, bugs, and fixes
- the `development page <>`_ for discussion of potential major updates to the module

When interacting with this project, please use the
`contribution guidelines <>`_
and follow the
`code of conduct <>`_.