Lisa Jian

Results 22 comments of Lisa Jian

Hey @nitaking, thanks for filing this issue, this is working as intended. Digging into this a bit more: To clarify, saving a user with an email but without a password...

@KoryNunn, thanks for the follow up - this is also working as intended. You can still add users without either email/password or phone number. However, to do so, you would...

I'm going to close out this issue, but if you have any questions, please feel free to follow up on this thread or open a new issue if it's separate...

Hi, thanks for filing this issue! We are unable to promise any timeline for this, but if others also have this issue, adding a +1 on this issue can help...

Hi, thanks for filing this issue! We are unable to promise any timeline for this, but if others also have this issue, adding a thumbs up on this issue can...

Totally understand your concern and we're working on triaging the issue internally. While this is getting addressed, please take a look at the other ways of exporting and importing users,...

Hey there @rymesaint! Wanted to clarify that some of the claims that are missing are intentionally ignored by the Auth Emulator, e.g. `exp`, `iat`, `at_hash` - for more information about...

Just a quick update: Seems like the fields returned depends on what is used to sign in when `signInWithIdp` is invoked. The existing returned claims (aside from the ones that...

Seems like this is an issue specific to Java 17 and Windows users; if someone in the open source community has more context on this, we'd happily accept/review any PRs

Hi @tonyjhuang would you mind taking a look at this one too? Thank you!!