Programming lover
Programming lover
@benMOOVENCY Any 11GB card (i.e. 1080ti or 2080ti should be enough). I didn't use this repo for training I just used pre-trained weights.
@wilbown @andreiburov I have pyglet 1.5.0, where I can find file to change some code?
I am also waiting for this next commit.
Thanks for this great commit. I am also looking for BVH step. @ahsan3803 would you like to update about it?
@liyue0213 did you solve it?
@Hzzone Thanks. I will check it
Anyone find the solution of this problem? I also commented `glutInitContextVersion(3, 2)` but still same error
@jasonyzhang Hi thanks for your reply. Person detection in video is fine. Alphapose is working fine. I checked my video with AlphasPose and it seems to be ok. Did you...
@jasonyzhang Hi Jason, I tested with TikTok and YouTube videos. I've sent you an email with tested videos and related problem. Kindly check your email and suggest some solutions. It...
Hi @williamljb thanks for your kind response. I just gave it my best try and it's working only for single image. I have some questions, kindly help me by answering...