lintplus copied to clipboard
An improved linting plugin for the lite text editor.
 managed to get this in the log file. the linter does not display anything at all. for context, file (in a cargo project): ```rust #![warn(clippy::restriction, clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo, clippy::nursery)] mod...
This might be due to the lack of $PATH when Lite XL is launched through the .app bundle.
Nim sometimes outputs errors that span multiple lines, eg. type mismatches. Example: ``` /home/daknus/Coding/Nim/tsuki/src/tsuki/vm.nim(271, 4) Error: type mismatch: got but expected one of: proc interpret(s: State; chunk: Chunk; procName =...
I tried to install plugin, added this lines to `init.lua`, and after saving got this error ``` local lintplus = require "plugins.lintplus" lintplus.load("luacheck") lintplus.setup.lint_on_doc_load() lintplus.setup.lint_on_doc_save() ``` 
hi! please add linter for elixir. thanks a lot.
This works with the WIP `minimap` plugin PR lite-xl/lite-xl-plugins#284.  Should this be a config option? If so, name suggestions are welcome.
Selene is a modern, maintained linter Is there any chance, we use that one, instead of luacheck?
So recently I've tried installing and configuring the linterplus plugin and I faced a weird problem: When I execute the `Lint+:Check ` command, nothing happens. Also when I try the...