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UserPass should have no ToJSON instance
ToJSON instance of newtype UserPass should go away in order to avoid accidental leakage of cleartext passwords. (Under no circumstances render to something like "[password hidden]", as that can cause a lot of confusion.)
See BUG marker in thentos-core/src/Thentos/Types.hs
While working on #463, I tried to out-comment the ToJSON instance of UserPass and all types that depend on it. Normally this shouldn't cause any issues, but I had to give up because of:
No instance for (aeson-
arising from a use of ‘restDocs’
In the first argument of ‘(:<|>)’, namely ‘restDocs cfg p’
In the second argument of ‘serve’, namely
‘(restDocs cfg p :<|> api astate)’
In the expression: serve p (restDocs cfg p :<|> api astate)
is only used as input in our API, so there is no good reason why Servant wants a ToJSON instance. Very annoying.
Very annoying.
sorry (-:
The reason is that the generated markup docs contain examples of all involved types as JSON. I'll try to think of a way to deal with this.