hurry-app icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hurry-app copied to clipboard

:watch: A cool countdown application


A web app which based on a url given date-time visualizes the remaining time till that moment in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

It's good for launch dates, milestones, birthdays, anniversaries, you name it..


(All input times are in UTC)


hurry-app is based on gae-init so to run it locally you'll need to have installed Google App Engine for Python and node.js.

To run the app:

$ cd /path/to/hurry-app
$ ./ -s

To test it visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

To watch for changes of your *.less & *.coffee files and compile them automatically to *.css & *.js run in another bash:

$ ./ -w

To deploy the app on Google App Engine:

$ ./ -m
$ update main