Felipe de Morais
Felipe de Morais
I'm facing the same issue with colorls.
I was able to solve the problem inspired on this [issue from Flutter repo](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/70796). ```sh ❯ arch -x86_64 sudo gem install colorls Password: ******************************************************************* Changes introduced in colorls Sort by...
There is just one small change at the first point. Start the terminal using Rosetta was not necessary. Use sudo was also important to make it work.
Update: After update my MacOS to Big Sur 11.3.1 I had to remove `arch -x86_64` from my alias `arch -x86_64 colorls --sd -A` now I can use just `colorls --sd...
Poxa! Que tristeza essa thread! 😮 Minha automação começou a falhar ontem na conta as coisas relacionadas a cartão estão de boa.