osm_flutter copied to clipboard
I found this issue in version 1.0.3 markerOption isn't available ✔✔✔**### Here is how to fix it** ✔✔✔ Edit osm_option.dart file
add this 2 lines
add this in line 37 : this.markerOption, add this in line 49 : final MarkerOption? markerOption;
Or copy and paste whole code below
import 'package:flutter_osm_interface/flutter_osm_interface.dart';
/// [OSMOption]
/// this class is use to customize and configure the osm map
/// [isPicker] : (bool) if is true, map will behave as picker and will start advanced picker
/// [userTrackingOption] : (UserTrackingOption?) if is not null, used to paramter tracking of user location where you can disable/enable follow user
/// [showZoomController] : (bool) if us true, you can zoomIn zoomOut directly in the map
/// [staticPoints] : (List<StaticPositionGeoPoint>) if you have static point that you want to show,like static of taxi or location of your stores
/// [markerOption] : contain marker of geoPoint and customisation of advanced picker marker
/// [userLocationMarker] : change user marker or direction marker icon in tracking location
/// [roadConfiguration] : (RoadConfiguration) set color and icons marker of road
/// [showDefaultInfoWindow] : (bool) enable/disable default infoWindow of marker (default = false)
/// [showContributorBadgeForOSM] : (bool) for copyright of osm, we need to add badge in bottom of the map (default false)
class OSMOption {
const OSMOption({
this.showZoomController = false,
this.staticPoints = const [],
this.zoomOption = const ZoomOption(),
this.enableRotationByGesture = true,
this.showDefaultInfoWindow = false,
this.isPicker = false,
this.showContributorBadgeForOSM = false,
final bool showZoomController;
final List<StaticPositionGeoPoint> staticPoints;
final UserLocationMaker? userLocationMarker;
final RoadOption? roadConfiguration;
final ZoomOption zoomOption;
final bool enableRotationByGesture;
final bool showDefaultInfoWindow;
final bool isPicker;
final bool showContributorBadgeForOSM;
final UserTrackingOption? userTrackingOption;
final MarkerOption? markerOption;
/// [ZoomOption]
/// this class used to customize the zoom for osm map
/// [stepZoom] : set default step zoom value (default = 1)
/// [initZoom] : set initialized zoom in specific location (default = 2)
/// [minZoomLevel] : set default zoom value (default = 1)
/// [maxZoomLevel] : set default zoom value (default = 1)
class ZoomOption {
const ZoomOption({
this.stepZoom = 1,
this.initZoom = 2,
this.minZoomLevel = 2,
this.maxZoomLevel = 19,
}) : assert(maxZoomLevel <= 19),
assert(minZoomLevel >= 2),
assert(initZoom >= minZoomLevel || initZoom <= maxZoomLevel);
/// the default step zoom of map when zoomIn or zoomOut (default = 1)
final double stepZoom;
/// the initialized zoom in when initializing the map (default = 2)
final double initZoom;
/// the minimum zoom level of the osm map
final double minZoomLevel;
/// the maximum zoom level of the osm map
final double maxZoomLevel;
Map<String, int> get toMap => {
"stepZoom": stepZoom.toInt(),
"initZoom": initZoom.toInt(),
"minZoom": minZoomLevel.toInt(),
"maxZoom": maxZoomLevel.toInt(),