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The end_time and start_time in ISearchTweetsV2Parameters should serialize to 24h format

Open censeon opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

It appears that the properties StartTime and EndTime on ISearchTweetsV2Parameters are serialized to a 12h format rather than the expected 24h format producing unexpected search results

censeon avatar Feb 18 '22 22:02 censeon

As a warning for others: I run into this as well and tried using CustomQueryParameters instead, but that falls into another bug where the SearchTweetsV2Parameters is copied, but the custom parameters are not.

matkoch avatar May 02 '23 14:05 matkoch

I have run into this, too:

PeterTheDev14 avatar Dec 27 '23 01:12 PeterTheDev14