Results 31 comments of Denny Fuchs

Hello, our env: * Debian Buster * Gitlab-ce (15.3.1-ce.0) * Gitlab-runner (15.3.0) * Kaniko ( I have also this issue, that all files and directories looks like this: ``` drwxrwxrwx...

Hi, I will try it, but may takes a while.

Hello @dradetsky I can confirm, that it **not** happens if I build just with Kaniko on my own host. ``` docker run \ -v `pwd`:/workspace \ -v `pwd`/.docker/config.json:/kaniko/.docker/config.json:ro \ --network...

hi, I will try it out. I tested it a while ago with bash alias ... with that kind of stuff .. but using a yaml file looks great, because...

hi, I'm new to Rundeck and Ansible and tested it on Friday with the same issues. Ansible is only allowed to work via Sudo. Su - and root login isn't...

hi @tanji than it works for getting the nodes inventory, but fails with getting root. We need "sudo su -" before executing anything: ``` ... "module_stdout": "sudo: a password is...

Hi @tanji nope, it works because of "become_exe". It executes "sudo su -" what is allowed in sudo with nopasswd. cu denny

hi, Rundeck would implement that feature for USD 20,000. My company would pay around USD 5,000. So if we find others for the rest, we can get it into Rundeck.

hi @ahonor I'm speechless :1st_place_medal: thanks so much !

hi, my boss asked me: if we can sponsor this feature request and pay for it. It seems, it would be easier than give this problem to our non JAVA...