v1.9.15 should allow you to use _ in MyPlugins and MyFunctions,
(working version ready - apart from encode/decode)
Consider: "in" condition `[[clipboard=in|www]]` only insert the content of the clipboard IF it contains (IfInStr) the text 'www' Would also apply for `[[selected=in|www]]` - if not in the selected text...
To illustrate the above and taking #54 as example these two snippets would have the same result. The first will use [[send]] which will mean each letter and character incl....
Demo code (before I forget) ```autohotkey SetTitleMatchMode, 2 clip= ( line 1[[send=^{enter}]] line 2[[send=^{home}]] line 3 ) Keys:=[] Pos:=1 While Pos:=RegExMatch(clip,"U)\[\[send=.*\]\]",A,Pos+StrLen(A)) { Keys.push(RTrim(SubStr(a,8),"]")) clip:=RegExReplace(clip,"U)\[\[send=.*\]\]",chr(7),A,1,Pos) } F12:: WinActivate, A Sleep 500...
That should be possible - might be a little while before I get around to testing it. * Setup an `#If ActiveControl()` hotkey to save edits (for example F2) *...
Thanks for report, you're probably correct. You can try the following: 1. Close lintalist 2. Open `lintalist.ahk` in a text editor (can be notepad) 3. Edit line and replace...
`Sort` could be useful, not sure about the others. If someone would be able to grasp `RegEx` I'm assuming they would be able to create something like you've done to...
Restore clipboard now back to normal, v1.9.15,