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Session code for bottle microframework.
Sean Reifschneider [email protected]
License: 3-clause BSD
BottleSession README
A simple library to make session authenitcation easy with the Bottle micro-framework.
- Saves off URL being hit so that you can redirect after the login. (Stored in a cookie)
- Simple session managers included: store in /tmp and store in cookie.
- Decorator to specify that a login is required.
- Saves off login name to "bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_USER']".
- Could probably stand to have some other session managers.
- Each request does not re-verify the user, it just checks the session. (if the password changes, the session doesn't go invalid)
- The session data is just a dictionary (ideally, there should probably be a "save()" method or possibly use the context manager interface?)
See "app", for example:
#session_manager = PickleSession()
session_manager = CookieSession() # NOTE: you should specify a secret
valid_user = authenticator(session_manager)
def hello(name = 'world'):
return '<h1>Hello %s!</h1>' % name.title()
The "authenticator" creates a decorator that requires authentication. It takes a session manager object, see the BaseSession class for the API that it needs to implement.
"bottlesession" includes a pickle-based session manager that saves session files in /tmp, much like the stock PHP session store. See "PickleSession" in "" for an example implementation, it's real easy!
"PickleSession()" stores the session in a pickled file under "/tmp" (or other location, as specified by the "session_dir" argument). "CookieSession()" stores the cookie in a secure cookie. If no cookie is specified, it will try to generate a hard to guess but persistent secret. For anything but trial applications, you should specify a strong secret
You need a login page, valid_user() relies on this being at "/auth/login". Here is a complete example:
def login():
passwds = { 'guest' : 'guest' }
username = bottle.request.forms.get('username')
password = bottle.request.forms.get('password')
if not username or not password:
return { 'error' : 'Please specify username and password' }
session = session_manager.get_session()
session['valid'] = False
if password and passwds.get(username) == password:
session['valid'] = True
session['name'] = username
if not session['valid']:
return { 'error' : 'Username or password is invalid' }
bottle.redirect(bottle.request.get_cookie('validuserloginredirect', '/'))
For a logout, just set the session to invalid:
def logout():
session = session_manager.get_session()
session['valid'] = False
And a template for "html/login.html":
%if error:
<form method="POST" id="form" action="/auth/login">
Login name: <input type="text" name="username" /><br/>
Password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit" />