Mengxiao Lin
Mengxiao Lin
Hi @abadoliverco, thanks for raising this issue and thanks for @Berki2021 and @frankmungnodev 's attention! We will release v12.0 in early October to address this issue. On v12.0, all Facebook...
Hi @Berki2021! I'm not sure how you implement the login flow. If you're using `LoginManager.logIn()`, `LoginManager. logInWithReadPermissions()` and `LoginManger.logInWithPublishPermissions()`, you can choose the functions that receives an `ActivityResultRegistryOwner` instance and...
Hi @georgii11! Thanks for the question! We will release a sample app early next year. For the `logInWithReadPermissions` method that receives a callback manager as the second parameter, the callback...
Hi @georgii11! Thanks for the report! However, we cannot reproduce the problem. Could you share us with a reproducible example? Thanks a lot!
Hi all! I'm working on exposing the contract for login/sharing. I expect that it can be ready in v13.2.0. Thank you all for the discussion and the feedback!
Hi @viktorkovach! Thanks for raising the issue. Did you add the client token to your app? From v13.0.0, we require all apps that engaged with Facebook platform to add the...
Hi @viktorkovach. What you need is not "app secret" but "client token". Or could you share the error messages for us to diagnose?
Hi @faizanabidnaqvi! Thanks for raising this issue! Did you declare the Facebook app in `AndroidManifest.xml`? See We will update the document soon to reflect this changes, which is required...
Hi @faizanabidnaqvi! Thanks again for the follow-up! We will have an investigation on it to figure out the root cause.
Hi @faizanabidnaqvi and @mhaqs! Could you also provide the Facebook App version number? It seems like something wrong with the communication between SDK and the Facebook App, but for now...