Vincent Link
Vincent Link
@BertrandGouny what do you think about this bot? There are many old issues that could easily be cleaned up like this, see e.g. or which is basically...
Hi, I also noticed the same issue and think this is because the config files are only copied on the first container start when using `--copy-service`, see @BertrandGouny is...
Hi @NoNameProvided , I also noticed this and was really surprised why I am not able to use `IsPort()` for a number, not sure if this makes even sense for...
Thanks for the review, I will make it a draft again and update the PR as soon as I was able to test it!
Hello @balloob or fellow reviewers :) sorry for the long silence in this PR, I finally found some time, updated the PR and tested it with the frontend by running...
Adding to this I would really appreciate if there were at least Git tags for every version published to NPM as I need to scroll through the commit history right...
I would also really appreciate a fix for this, I guess it is not really hard if you have some go knowledge and know the sources of this project which...
substituteFrom value used in a yaml template are not being rendered correctly when used with quotes.
I just debugged [the code]( a bit and found out, that the variable substitution keeps quotes if you wrap the value inside another pair of quotes (as also shown [in...
substituteFrom value used in a yaml template are not being rendered correctly when used with quotes.
@vliska I didn't test it but have you tried triple quoting the values, e.g. like `key: '"\"value\""'`? This might keep the quotes for another substitution.
I'm not sure if this also impacts the fifth version element `revision` as the referenced MR only mentioned it being a partial fix? Renovate Hosted did not detect updates for...