scrapedin copied to clipboard
LinkedIn Scraper (currently working 2020)
``` node:internal/process/promises:246 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ``` i get the following error if i try to scrape a profile ``` async function scrapeProfile() { const profileScraper = await scrapedin({...
The problem is on `profileScraperTemplate.js` where ```js about: { selector: '.pv-about-section', fields: { text: 'p' } } ``` was changed to ```js about: { selector: '#about + .pvs-header__container + .display-flex',...
`error: error on crawling profile: LINK Error: LinkedIn website changed and scrapedin 1.0.21 can't read basic data. Please report this issue at`
Linkedin changed profile image selector and I replaced it with the new one
Fix #166
Contact info scraping was broken. Turns out LinkedIn has changed HTML, so I've updated so it works again.
Need to update selector
Not scraping all of education category. Only first 3.
This should prevent rare cases where the header overlaps the button and clicking the button redirects the page, aborting the whole scraping process. Fixes #161