scrapedin-linkedin-crawler copied to clipboard
"There is no profiles to crawl right now", despite filling in rootProfiles in config.json
Not sure if I'm missing anything, but I filled in the rootProfiles in config.json, and when I do npm start, it seems to be running an infinite loop with the following message -> "There is no profiles to crawl right now".
I'd appreciate any help! Thank you
I am facing the same issue
Most likely just the app not being up to date with the current Linkedin web page
scrapedin: 2021-02-19T16:21:52.048Z warn: [profile\seeMoreButtons.js] couldn't click on button.pv-profile-section__see-more-inline, it's probably invisible
scrapedin: 2021-02-19T16:21:55.524Z error: [profile\cleanProfileData.js] LinkedIn website changed and scrapedin 1.0.18 can't read basic data. Please report this issue at is where the issue is reported. This is the dependency that is used by the crawler
Same issue
Same issue :(
Same issue.