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Various Data Template generation issues on Windows
task failed with the following error when running on Windows.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'other' has different root
The same Pegasus models build fine on Mac & Linux. See for more details.
(Adding to this issue as it falls under "Various" Data Template generation issues, but I'm not seeing the exact same error; let me know if you'd prefer me to split this out as a separate issue).
I'm seeing errors of the following form on Windows when building the linkedin/datahub project, for every single PDL file:
[main] ERROR - Parsed top-level schema does not match the schema file name. File: C:\Work\datahub\li-utils\src\main\pegasus\com\linkedin\avro2pegasus\events\common\datamonitor\PlatformName.pdl
The earlier debug log outputs the following:
[main] DEBUG - Loaded source schema: com/linkedin/avro2pegasus/events/common/datamonitor/PlatformName, from location: C:\Work\datahub\li-utils\src\main\pegasus\com\linkedin\avro2pegasus\events\common\datamonitor\PlatformName.pdl
... Which reveals the problem. schemaFullname
at this point is com/linkedin/avro2pegasus/events/common/datamonitor/PlatformName
but it should be
, since this is the value that's going to be compared against the parsed top-level schema later.
The root cause is the line that replaces File.separatorChar with '.'. At this point in the code, it's working with URIs (which always use forward slashes, by definition), rather than file paths. So I think it should be replacing /
with .
on all platforms, rather than replacing the platform-specific file path separator with .
@evanw555 seems like @hgcummings has found the root cause. Could you look into a fix?
Thanks Mars, we already have internal task tracking this issue
Any update @junchuanwang? Another custom is encountering a similar issue when building DataHub.
@mars-lan Last time our team reviewed the task, we de-prioritized it.
But since now there are more customer asking for the fix, we will review it again to see if we have resource to prioritize
The specific error mentioned by @hgcummings looks like it may have been solved in, which was committed in the last day or two.
@evanw555 When I updated the version of to 29.7.15, I come across a different error .
This is most likely related to how windows treats the paths in file system.
> Task :metadata-models:generateDataTemplate
There are 133 data schema input files. Using input root folder: C:\Users\nkanamar\Desktop\git-public\main-datahub\datahub\metadata-models\src\main\pegasus
[main] INFO com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.TemplateSpecGenerator - Class name:, bound to schema:{ "type" : "array", "items" : "string" }, instead of schema: { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "typeref", "name" : "SchemaFieldPath", "namespace" : "com.linkedin.dataset", "doc" : "Schema field path as described by schema normalizations rules: http://go/tms-schema", "ref" : "string" } }
[main] INFO com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.TemplateSpecGenerator - Class name:, bound to schema:{ "type" : "array", "items" : "string" }, instead of schema: { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "typeref", "name" : "SchemaFieldPath", "namespace" : "com.linkedin.dataset", "doc" : "Schema field path as described by schema normalizations rules: http://go/tms-schema", "ref" : "string" } }
Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 104: C:\Users\nkanamar\Desktop\git-public\main-datahub\datahub\li-utils\build\libs\li-utils-data-template.jar:pegasus/com/linkedin/common/FabricType.pdl
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.JavaCodeUtil.annotate(
at com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.JavaDataTemplateGenerator.populateClassContent(
at com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.JavaDataTemplateGenerator.generate(
at com.linkedin.pegasus.generator.PegasusDataTemplateGenerator.main(
> Task :metadata-models:generateDataTemplate FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
We acknowledge the issue. We do not officially support Windows. We don't have plan to support Windows at the moment, if this becomes urgent, please feel free to discuss the priority.
I'd also like to voice preference for getting this data template generation working on Windows as this is preventing us from building DataHub on Windows natively.
On the point of support for Windows, I think there's some value in template generation working, even if DataHub itself isn't expected to run on Windows.
It's fine to run DataHub itself in a container, but being able to populate it from a Windows machine can be quite useful in some scenarios, and the ingestion scripts depend on the data templates. (I have previously resorted to generating the templates in a container then copying them back to the Windows host.)
在 Windows 上运行时,任务失败并出现以下错误。Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'other' has different root
相同的 Pegasus 模型在 Mac 和 Linux 上构建良好。有关更多详细信息,请参阅linkedin/datahub#1640。
在 Windows 上运行时,任务失败并出现以下错误。Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'other' has different root
相同的 Pegasus 模型在 Mac 和 Linux 上构建良好。有关更多详细信息,请参阅linkedin/datahub#1640。
Can this problem be solved in the future?
Having the save problem on windows. Hope to support compiling and building on windows.
Having the save problem on windows. Hope to support compiling and building on windows.