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Nexus PyPi repositories support

Open Kindrat opened this issue 7 years ago • 13 comments

Basically, that's not a feature request - rather a success story. Don't know if dirty hacks, used to add Nexus support are worth adding to upstream, so wanted to describe everything first.

Original task Build and deploy tensorflow-based artifacts with Gradle


  • [Broken PyPi packages] packages with unresolvable/missing/incorrect dependencies (most scientific related)
  • [Missing support for custom (ivy) artifacts in twine] The simplest way to deploy converted with ivy-importer artifacts is twine (find ${repo} -type f -exec twine upload -r nexus {} \;). But twine supports only certain artifact extensions.
  • [Nexus breaks python naming convention]
  • [Gradle does not expose API for custom repositories]


  • Added lenient import for pivy-importer ( It helped with a large set of transient dependencies with the only small percent of broken packages. Broken were imported after fixing them manually.
  • Added support for ivy artifact types to twine.
  • Created Gradle plugin to address naming convention issue - to replace . with - and to convert to lower case module part of a link path.

Plugin code is ugly, uses reflection and patches internal API of Gradle repository management, but it works.




class NexusPyPiPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
    static final String nexusModulePattern = '[nexus_module]'

    void apply(Project project) {
        DefaultRepositoryHandler handler = project.repositories
        Field repositoryFactoryField = DefaultRepositoryHandler.getDeclaredField('repositoryFactory')
        DefaultBaseRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = repositoryFactoryField.get(handler) as DefaultBaseRepositoryFactory
        Field instantiatorField = DefaultBaseRepositoryFactory.getDeclaredField('instantiator')

        // Add a method nexusPyPi to the repositories that uses our subclass of the ivy repository.
        handler.metaClass.nexusPypi = { Closure closure ->
            NexusPyPiRepository artifactRepository = new NexusPyPiRepository(
            artifactRepository.layout("pattern", new Action<IvyPatternRepositoryLayout>() {
                void execute(IvyPatternRepositoryLayout repositoryLayout) {
                    repositoryLayout.artifact(nexusModulePattern + '/[revision]/[module]-[revision].[ext]')
                    repositoryLayout.ivy(nexusModulePattern + '/[revision]/[module]-[revision].ivy')
            handler.addRepository(artifactRepository, 'pypi', ConfigureUtil.configureUsing(closure))
class NexusPyPiRepository extends DefaultIvyArtifactRepository {
    private static final Object[] NO_PARAMS = new Object[0]
    private final
    static Factory<ComponentMetadataSupplier> NO_METADATA_SUPPLIER = new Factory<ComponentMetadataSupplier>() {
        ComponentMetadataSupplier create() {
            return null

    private final InstantiatorFactory instantiatorFactory
    private final FileStore<String> externalResourcesFileStore
    private final RepositoryTransportFactory transportFactory
    private final FileResolver fileResolver
    private final LocallyAvailableResourceFinder<ModuleComponentArtifactMetadata> locallyAvailableResourceFinder
    private final FileStore<ModuleComponentArtifactIdentifier> artifactFileStore
    private final AuthenticationContainer authenticationContainer
    private final IvyContextManager ivyContextManager
    private final ImmutableModuleIdentifierFactory moduleIdentifierFactory
    private final ModuleMetadataParser metadataParser
    private final IvyArtifactRepository.MetadataSources metadataSources
    private final IvyMutableModuleMetadataFactory metadataFactory

    private final FileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository
    private Class<? extends ComponentMetadataSupplier> componentMetadataSupplierClass
    private Object[] componentMetadataSupplierParams

            FileResolver fileResolver,
            RepositoryTransportFactory transportFactory,
            LocallyAvailableResourceFinder<ModuleComponentArtifactMetadata> locallyAvailableResourceFinder,
            FileStore<ModuleComponentArtifactIdentifier> artifactFileStore,
            FileStore<String> externalResourcesFileStore,
            AuthenticationContainer authenticationContainer,
            IvyContextManager ivyContextManager,
            ImmutableModuleIdentifierFactory moduleIdentifierFactory,
            InstantiatorFactory instantiatorFactory,
            FileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository,
            ModuleMetadataParser metadataParser,
            ExperimentalFeatures experimentalFeatures,
            IvyMutableModuleMetadataFactory metadataFactory) {
        this.metadataFactory = metadataFactory
        this.metadataParser = metadataParser
        this.fileResourceRepository = fileResourceRepository
        this.moduleIdentifierFactory = moduleIdentifierFactory
        this.ivyContextManager = ivyContextManager
        this.authenticationContainer = authenticationContainer
        this.artifactFileStore = artifactFileStore
        this.locallyAvailableResourceFinder = locallyAvailableResourceFinder
        this.fileResolver = fileResolver
        this.transportFactory = transportFactory
        this.externalResourcesFileStore = externalResourcesFileStore
        this.instantiatorFactory = instantiatorFactory

        Field metadataSourcesField = DefaultIvyArtifactRepository.getDeclaredField('metadataSources')
        metadataSources = metadataSourcesField.get(this) as IvyArtifactRepository.MetadataSources

    protected IvyResolver createRealResolver() {
        URI uri = getUrl()

        Field layoutField = DefaultIvyArtifactRepository.getDeclaredField('layout')
        AbstractRepositoryLayout layout = layoutField.get(this) as AbstractRepositoryLayout

        Set<String> schemes = new LinkedHashSet<String>()

        Field additionalPatternsLayoutField = DefaultIvyArtifactRepository.getDeclaredField('additionalPatternsLayout')
        AbstractRepositoryLayout additionalLayout = additionalPatternsLayoutField.get(this) as AbstractRepositoryLayout

        layout.addSchemes(uri, schemes)
        additionalLayout.addSchemes(uri, schemes)

        IvyResolver resolver = createResolver(schemes)

        if (uri != null) {
            resolver.addArtifactLocation(uri, IVY_ARTIFACT_PATTERN)
            resolver.addDescriptorLocation(uri, IVY_ARTIFACT_PATTERN)

        layout.apply(uri, resolver)
        additionalLayout.apply(uri, resolver)

        return resolver

    void setMetadataSupplier(Class<? extends ComponentMetadataSupplier> ruleClass) {
        this.componentMetadataSupplierClass = ruleClass
        this.componentMetadataSupplierParams = NO_PARAMS

    void setMetadataSupplier(Class<? extends ComponentMetadataSupplier> rule, Action<? super ActionConfiguration> configureAction) {
        DefaultActionConfiguration configuration = new DefaultActionConfiguration()
        this.componentMetadataSupplierClass = rule
        this.componentMetadataSupplierParams = configuration.getParams()

    private IvyResolver createResolver(Set<String> schemes) {
        if (schemes.isEmpty()) {
            throw new InvalidUserDataException("You must specify a base url or at least one artifact pattern for an Ivy repository.")
        return createResolver(transportFactory.createTransport(schemes, getName(), getConfiguredAuthentication()))

    private IvyResolver createResolver(RepositoryTransport transport) {
        Instantiator instantiator = createDependencyInjectingInstantiator(transport)
        return new NexusPyPiResolver(getName(), transport, locallyAvailableResourceFinder,
                getResolve().isDynamicMode(), artifactFileStore, moduleIdentifierFactory,
                createComponentMetadataSupplierFactory(instantiator), createMetadataSources())

    private ImmutableMetadataSources createMetadataSources() {
        def sources = new ArrayList<>()
        if (metadataSources.gradleMetadata) {
            sources.add(new DefaultGradleModuleMetadataSource(metadataParser, metadataFactory, true))
        if (metadataSources.ivyDescriptor) {
            sources.add(new DefaultIvyDescriptorMetadataSource(IvyMetadataArtifactProvider.INSTANCE, createIvyDescriptorParser(), fileResourceRepository, moduleIdentifierFactory))
        if (metadataSources.artifact) {
            sources.add(new DefaultArtifactMetadataSource(metadataFactory))
        return new DefaultImmutableMetadataSources(Collections.unmodifiableList(sources))

    private MetaDataParser<MutableIvyModuleResolveMetadata> createIvyDescriptorParser() {
        return new IvyContextualMetaDataParser<MutableIvyModuleResolveMetadata>(ivyContextManager, new IvyXmlModuleDescriptorParser(new IvyModuleDescriptorConverter(moduleIdentifierFactory), moduleIdentifierFactory, fileResourceRepository, metadataFactory))

     * Creates a service registry giving access to the services we want to expose to rules and returns an instantiator that
     * uses this service registry.
     * @param transport the transport used to create the repository accessor
     * @return a dependency injecting instantiator, aware of services we want to expose
    private Instantiator createDependencyInjectingInstantiator(final RepositoryTransport transport) {
        DefaultServiceRegistry registry = new DefaultServiceRegistry()
        registry.addProvider(new Object() {
            RepositoryResourceAccessor createResourceAccessor() {
                return createRepositoryAccessor(transport)
        return instantiatorFactory.inject(registry)

    private RepositoryResourceAccessor createRepositoryAccessor(RepositoryTransport transport) {
        return new ExternalRepositoryResourceAccessor(getUrl(), transport.getResourceAccessor(), externalResourcesFileStore)

    private Factory<ComponentMetadataSupplier> createComponentMetadataSupplierFactory(final Instantiator instantiator) {
        if (componentMetadataSupplierClass == null) {
            return NO_METADATA_SUPPLIER

        return new Factory<ComponentMetadataSupplier>() {
            ComponentMetadataSupplier create() {
                return instantiator.newInstance(componentMetadataSupplierClass, componentMetadataSupplierParams)
class NexusPyPiResolver extends IvyResolver {

            String name,
            RepositoryTransport transport,
            LocallyAvailableResourceFinder<ModuleComponentArtifactMetadata> locallyAvailableResourceFinder,
            boolean dynamicResolve,
            FileStore<ModuleComponentArtifactIdentifier> artifactFileStore,
            ImmutableModuleIdentifierFactory moduleIdentifierFactory,
            Factory<ComponentMetadataSupplier> componentMetadataSupplierFactory,
            ImmutableMetadataSources metadataSources) {

    void addArtifactLocation(URI baseUri, String pattern) {
        addArtifactPattern(toResourcePattern(baseUri, pattern))

    void addDescriptorLocation(URI baseUri, String pattern) {
        addIvyPattern(toResourcePattern(baseUri, pattern))

    private static ResourcePattern toResourcePattern(URI baseUri, String pattern) {
        return new NexusPyPiResourcePattern(baseUri, pattern)
class NexusPyPiResourcePattern extends M2ResourcePattern {
    NexusPyPiResourcePattern(URI baseUri, String pattern) {
        super(baseUri, pattern)

    protected String substituteTokens(String pattern, Map<String, String> attributes) {
        String module = attributes.get("module");
        if (module != null) {
            attributes.put("nexus_module", module.replace(".", "-").toLowerCase());
        return super.substituteTokens(pattern, attributes);

Usage example:

    apply plugin: "com.linkedin.python"
    apply plugin: NexusPyPiPlugin

    python {
        forceVersion('pypi', 'pip', '9.0.1')
        testDir = file('tests')

    repositories {
        nexusPypi {
            url = "https://mynexus/repository/pypi-releases/packages/"
            if (project.hasProperty('repository.username')) {
                credentials.username ='repository.username')
            if (project.hasProperty('repository.password')) {
                credentials.password ='repository.password')
    installPythonRequirements {
        sorted = false

    dependencies {
        python 'pypi:tensorflow:1.5.0'

Kindrat avatar Feb 21 '18 21:02 Kindrat

Created pull request for twine ivy extension Even if it would be rejected, you can still get my patch there

Kindrat avatar Feb 23 '18 22:02 Kindrat

@kopy07 Is this worth another pull request? I mean new plugin for nexus support

Kindrat avatar Mar 01 '18 15:03 Kindrat

Hey @Kindrat,

Cool investigation! You would also probably do ((ProjectInternal)project).getServices().get(BaseRepositoryFactory.class) to get access to the BaseRepositoryFactory class.

If you want to open a PR I'll review it and we can get it in, let's try to making it java as much as possible (trying to kill the main groovy code). Defining the repo can't be done in java as far as I know, but the rest of it should be doable there.

ghost avatar Mar 01 '18 17:03 ghost

Working on upload task for it now. Will try to migrate to java.

Kindrat avatar Mar 01 '18 17:03 Kindrat

HI ! @Kindrat, Can you explain, what type of repository have you added in Nexus? As I understand, the Nexus supports only Maven repository (not Ivy).

shvilime avatar Jun 26 '19 09:06 shvilime

@shvilime Nexus supports all kinds of repositories. The goal was to use existing Nexus instead of deploying additional artifactory instance.

Kindrat avatar Jun 26 '19 09:06 Kindrat

@Kindrat, I didn't find in nexus documentation supported type information about Ivy format. What "existing Nexus" repository do you mean ? What type of repository in Nexus allow to upload *.ivy ?

shvilime avatar Jun 26 '19 10:06 shvilime

@shvilime Existing means the one I already use for Npm, Maven and Pypi. As for ivy - gradle allows to define repo url pattern, ivy is one of supported for any type of repo. I'm using Pypi repo with ivy metadata so that is could work as vanilla Pypi and as gradle repo with all features of dependency management.

Kindrat avatar Jun 26 '19 10:06 Kindrat

@Kindrat, thanks for your comment. PyPI repo supports in Nexus since version 3.0.2. OK, I have to upgrade our Nexus. Anyway, if we want to build private repository, we have to prepare ivy and upload the artifactories to Nexus (big job), or proxy Nexus to existing PyPI repository with ivy. Have you tried to proxy Nexus on public linkedin Artifactory repository or something like this?

shvilime avatar Jun 26 '19 11:06 shvilime

Nope. I've patched pivy-importer to generate all the ivy metadata for my dep tree and twine to upload whole local pypi-ivy repo to Nexus.

Kindrat avatar Jun 26 '19 17:06 Kindrat

@Kindrat, Can you briefly explain, how to create PyPI repository, that allow to attach ivy files to main artifactory in Nexus 3?

shvilime avatar Jul 05 '19 10:07 shvilime

@Kindrat Are you use in Nexus "PyPi type" of repository + additional upload ivy file in each artifact(I can't do this), or "RAW type" of repository that allow upload what you want ?

shvilime avatar Jul 08 '19 09:07 shvilime

@shvilime please, read "solutions" section of my original post. I've patched twine to upload ivy files within regular sdists and taught gradle plugin to use pypi-ivy metadata similar to how it uses it for java.

Kindrat avatar Jul 13 '19 19:07 Kindrat