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[feature] Add way to specify start time for Bootstrapping Metrics
Using with Cruise Control version 2.4
When you go to UI - Monitor Tab and click - Bootstrap Metrics, it kicks off an API Call that gets stuck in an infinite loop (with no start and end times)
Cruise Control State -> Monitor State -> Bootstrap Metrics
curl GET kafkacruisecontrol/bootstrap?clearmetrics=true&start=0
Instead, bootstrap Metrics should have some option on UI for start and end-time Ex. Start time = now - 1 day and End time = now
Not having this option on UI makes the UI unusable for Bootstrapping Metrics. I was able to fix this by running manual API Call and hard-code the start and end times.
curl GET kafkacruisecontrol/bootstrap?clearmetrics=true&start=1591130000000&end=1591137027000