
Results 185 issues of link2xt

We have several issues and forum discussions related to contact sharing, export and import. There is generally an agreement to use vCard because it is supported by at least Android...

good first issue

Here is a message with a large video and verified signature is received: We don't know yet that it has a signature of a verified key. When we download it,...


Attached is a log from CI: [flaky-test.txt]( Maybe similar issue to #5191 but better understand what exactly happened.

If chat is verified (group chat or verified 1:1 chat) we should put `From:` and `To:` fields with only addresses and no display names into the unencrypted part. Encrypted part...

Once we add import (#5202) and export (#5203) of vCards, we can use export function to generate vCard for a single contact and attach it to share contact instead of...


This is the next step after #5202 (adding vCard-based address book import API). Importing address book from a file will need to be an explicit action in the settings. There...


Currently if Bob scans a SecureJoin QR code and has no Alice's key corresponding to the encoded fingerprint, he sends Alice an *unencrypted* `vc-request` with INVITENUMBER to request the key...


I generated a passphrase-protected key: ``` $ sq key generate --userid [email protected] --output key.asc --with-password Enter password to protect the key: Repeat the password once more: ``` (entered 123 as...


In SQLite search with `LIKE` is case-insensitive: This however does not work for non-english letters. Using functions like `UPPER` also does not help as they only work for ASCII...


Currently in the Python test `test_mvbox_sentbox_threads` the option is enabled, but because CI server does not have a Sent folder, IMAP loop is started, opens a connection and goes...