react-qiniu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-qiniu copied to clipboard

A React Component to upload file to Qiniu


React Component to upload file to Qiniu

See Demo:


Just require('react-qiniu') and specify an onDrop method that accepts an array of dropped files and pass your Qiniu token as prop.

You can also specify a style object to apply to the Drop Zone. Optionally pass in a size property to configure the size of the Drop Zone.

var React = require('react');
var Qiniu = require('react-qiniu');

var ReactQiniuDemo = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {
            files: [],
            token: 'YOUR_UPLOAD_TOKEN',
            uploadKey: 'YOUR_CUSTOM_UPLOAD_KEY', // Optional
            prefix: 'YOUR_QINIU_KEY_PREFIX' // Optional

    onUpload: function (files) {
        // set onprogress function before uploading (f) {
            f.onprogress = function(e) {

    onDrop: function (files) {
            files: files
        // files is a FileList( Object
        // and with each file, we attached two functions to handle upload progress and result
        // file.request => return super-agent uploading file request
        // file.uploadPromise => return a Promise to handle uploading status(what you can do when upload failed)
        // `react-qiniu` using bluebird, check bluebird API
        // see more example in example/app.js
      console.log('Received files: ', files);

    render: function () {
      return (
            <Qiniu onDrop={this.onDrop} size={150} token={this.state.token} uploadKey={this.state.uploadKey} onUpload={this.onUpload}>
              <div>Try dropping some files here, or click to select files to upload.</div>

React.render(<ReactQiniuDemo />, document.body);

when upload, we will add a promise to file object, see index.js, so, you can deal with this promise to handle upload status. (do something when success/failure)

see more in example/app.js


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  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


@paramaggarwal @mingxinstar
