
Results 66 comments of linette-zyy

On today's build ![image]( The error still pops up. ![image](

![image]( In today's build , the IntelliSense is missing after restarting VS

In today's build:**17.7.0 Preview 2.0 [33709.378.main]**,Python Package:**17.0.23115.2** By the way,'@' is covered when type enter in interactive window ![type_enter_covered](

In today's build:**17.8.0 Preview 1.0 [33902.16.main]**, Python Package:**17.0.23179.1** The cursor is hang after using '$reset' ![$reset_hang](

In today's latest build:**17.6.0 Preview 3.0 [33508.333.main]**, Python package:**17.0.23065.2** the ProjectB's path in ProjectA's ```Search Paths``` is missing after restarting VS ![rst_VS_reference](

In today's latest build:**17.6.0 Preview 3.0 [33521.512.main]**, Python package:**17.0.23068.1** No IntelliSense when add folder to Search Path and no IntelliSense when add Zip Archive to Search Path ![image](

This issue repro on today's build ![image](

@AdamYoblick In today's latest build:**17.6.0 Preview 1.0 [33402.156.main]**,Python Package:**17.0.23033.1** I can get intellisense from 'PYTHONPATH'. But when i checked the "Ignore system-wide PYTHONPATH variables", i still get the intellisense ![testpythonpath](

In today's latest build:**17.6.0 Preview 1.0 [33331.318.main]**,Python Package:**17.0.23031.1** Navigation bar is missing and go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Python > General > Navigation bar(it is disabled)...

@AdamYoblick I can not repro this in today's latest build:**17.6.0 Preview 1.0 [33402.156.main]**,Python Packages:**17.0.23033.1**