line-sdk-android copied to clipboard
LINE SDK for Android lets you integrate LINE into your Android app to create a more engaging experience for your users.
I'm not sure the reason for this error: LineLoginResult{responseCode=CANCEL, nonce='null', lineProfile=null, lineIdToken=null, friendshipStatusChanged=null, lineCredential=null, errorData=LineApiError{httpResponseCode=-1, message='', errorCode='NOT_DEFINED'}} `class TestActivityForLine : AppUpdateActivity() { private lateinit var binding: ActivityTestForLineBinding override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState:...
Hello Line developers, I am integrating login feature with Line in Android, iOS using []([0]=AT0nOTsFnXlbAmR7W_1aWUSBq2c1uV895vhLlmuPHAjZcFi3h2lRgR6lLUu4YzZ_wwHx5-7fITHeGr5aqnOva6hwnXZj6OGlFPFG48QCHV7O5r8yEtMJ7ACPmIe2apvhRj94ySSqaGGFNRNNayz9igiGHk7LeUB52ga5cyS5TIMjHmLgtjKoIk58KqaRHhcnXKEu5WZ1Rkzs9J4kvoTIw0g) I have successfully created the Line Login channel following the instructions []( (my package name...
## Crash Stack java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.linecorp.linesdk.auth.internal.LineAuthenticationStatus$Status com.linecorp.linesdk.auth.internal.LineAuthenticationStatus.getStatus()' on a null object reference 1 com.linecorp.linesdk.auth.internal.LineAuthenticationActivity.onNewIntent( 2 3 4 5 6 7
## What did you do? run release build: ``` buildTypes { getByName("release") { isMinifyEnabled = false isShrinkResources = false isCrunchPngs = false proguardFiles( getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt"), "" ) } } ``` ##...
line app在已经登录的情况下,我的应用程序调用sdk登录,登录完成,无法返回我的应用程序,要手动返回才行,如果line没打开,或者没登录的情况下,就没有问题,我使用的cocos creator接的sdk,麻烦官方帮忙解决下
In the case when the Line app is open and logged in, calling Line SDK login from an Android app does not return to the app but stays in the...
## Is it a security issue? i think no ## What did you do? use line sdk in my app when i loging success it will jump to ask for...
I found crash on online version.I check my code, I set currect chennel Id when launch line. Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{/com.linecorp.linesdk.openchat.ui.CreateOpenChatActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: channel id is empty...
## Is it a security issue? no ## What did you do? Consume Line SDK 5.4.1 to 5.8.0. They declare allowBackup as false in AndroidManifest. ## What did you expect?...
## What did you do? > Try to authenticate users with Line. ## What did you expect? > User's getting authenticated with Line. ## What happened actually? Some users were...