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LINE Platform feedback

We will archive this repository on February 15, 2019

To be able to follow up on reported issues more effectively, we're reducing the number of reporting channels. This means the following:

  • On February 15, 2019, we'll be archiving this repository, including all issues.
  • We'll close all open issues, regardless of whether they've been solved.

We'll keep the repository public so you can still read it. However, you won't be able to report new issues or edit existing ones here on GitHub. Instead, you can report LINE Platform issues on our LINE Developers forum. Please feel free to report your existing issue again if it hasn't been solved. We'll do our best to respond promptly.

We apologize if you previously reported an issue that wasn't solved. We promise you that your feedback is important to us. That's why we want to make sure we can follow up on it more effectively in the future. Reducing the number of feedback channels is part of that. We hope you understand and look forward to seeing you on the forum.

LINE Platform feedback

This public repository is for sharing feedback and feature requests for LINE Platform products found on the LINE Developers site such as the Messaging API and LINE Login.

If you'd like to share a suggestion, a feature request or other general feedback about the LINE Platform, you can create an issue in this repository. Although we cannot guarantee that we can respond to and implement all requests, we greatly appreciate your feedback and will do our best to respond wherever possible.

If you'd like to report a bug, please submit a report using our inquiry form.

Open issues

Before you create a new issue, please check the existing open and closed issues to see if the same issue has been addressed.

Documentation feedback

If you have any issues or suggestions related to our developer documentation, you can do the following:

  • Create a new issue with the "documentation" label

Need help ?

Check our community Q&A where LINE API experts and other developers will help answser your question. You can also contribute by helping others !!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Our FAQ page will be depricated in the near future. Please check our community Q&A for anwsers, or ask querstions there if you cant find your anwser.

About the labels

We use the following labels to organize our issues.

  • enhancement: Suggestion to improve an existing feature
  • feature request: Suggestion for a new feature
  • question: Question related to a LINE Platform product
  • documentation: Issue related to documentation

Staying up to date on the latest news

Go to our News page to see the latest information about our developer products. To receive the latest information about the LINE Platform, add the LINE Developers official account as a friend or follow us on social media.

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Related resources

See below for more information on our LINE Developer products and resources available to developers.

Messaging API

LINE Login