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fix(deps): update dependency org.hibernate:hibernate-core to v6

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.hibernate:hibernate-core (source) 5.6.12.Final -> 6.1.4.Final age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes






** Bug * [HHH-15430] - Allow use of @​Enumerated on basic collection * [HHH-15428] - Converters for BasicCollectionType don't work * [HHH-15423] - @​Any discriminated association fails to be implicitly fetched due to UnsupportedOperationException * [HHH-15420] - Getting Started Guide Code does not build * [HHH-15418] - Composite primary key with NativeQuery & alias not working * [HHH-15417] - UUID with AttributeConverter, merge throws ClassCastException * [HHH-15414] - For Oracle Dialect from version 8 Envers should not generate new revision when database replaces empty string with NULL during INSERT or UPDATE statements * [HHH-15413] - For Oracle Dialect from version 8 Envers should use an ordered sequence * [HHH-15406] - Tests annotated with org.hibernate.testing.RequiresDialect having as value deprecated dialect are not executed * [HHH-15403] - Likely Statement leak on invoking a stored procedure * [HHH-15396] - Quick Start guide, hibernate-tutorials.zip link is broken * [HHH-15395] - HibernateCriteriaBuider#power(Expression<? extends Number> x, Number y) throws ClassCastException * [HHH-15392] - Reinstantiate support for Character values for like expression escape character * [HHH-15391] - StackOverflow when applying a load entity graphs to a query * [HHH-15390] - Calling SqmQuery#getSqmStatement()#toHqlString() causes ClassCastExpection when using distinct in Criteria or HQL query * [HHH-15379] - NPE building mapping from HBM for collections targeting a class that does not have an HBM mapping * [HHH-15371] - Envers failure when run under SecurityManager * [HHH-15323] - @​AnyDiscriminator Unable to filter a polymorphic relationship in a query * [HHH-15218] - @​OptimisticLocking(DIRTY) leads to wrong query during delete of circular reference

** Improvement * [HHH-15415] - Jackson and Jakarta Jsonb custom types to allow GraalVM compilation

** New Feature * [HHH-15352] - ScrollableResults.setFetchSize()

** Task * [HHH-15412] - Cleanup: remove reflection keeping JDK8 compatibility afloat in AggregatedServiceLoader * [HHH-15411] - Introduce an system property to fully disable Hibernate's use of a system SecurityManager * [HHH-15409] - Restore lazy initialization semantics for MetadataSources#xmlMappingBinderAccess * [HHH-15408] - QueryEngine to be more defensive with passed parameters * [HHH-15407] - Need to expose more internal state from MetadataImpl to allow copies of metadata instances * [HHH-15404] - Move annotation to intended package: org.hibernate.Remove (from org.hibernate.annotations.Remove) * [HHH-15322] - Allow JNDI lookups using the osgi scheme



** Bug * [HHH-15369] - UnknownTableReferenceException when two subclasses have same field with different type * [HHH-15361] - Update assignment type check should allow subtypes * [HHH-15360] - Listagg with nulls clause emulation in H2 before 2.0 * [HHH-15358] - @​Where annotation with globally_quoted_identifiers causes Unable to determine TableReference Exception * [HHH-15357] - ClassCastException when selecting map key FK part * [HHH-15354] - NPE building mapping from HBM for associations targeting a non existing entity * [HHH-15349] - Comparing entity join alias with collection part fails * [HHH-15347] - Parent identity check in NavigablePath#relativize is too strict * [HHH-15346] - @​ManyToOne associations not loaded correctly with default EAGER and batch fetch property set * [HHH-15343] - NPE in type determination for case expression returning null literal * [HHH-15342] - Inappropriate variation of HQL left join to SQL inner join * [HHH-15341] - Disallow transient entities as parameters * [HHH-15339] - Association in embedded id initialized to null when selected * [HHH-15338] - Impossible to give same path expression multiple aliases * [HHH-15331] - Constructor expressions in the SELECT clause ignores attribute converter * [HHH-15324] - Hibernate (6.0.2) Regression. Sets Legacy java.persistence properties, then logs deprecation warnings on these which spams log * [HHH-15314] - Hibernate Gradle plugin is not working for Kotlin projects

** Improvement * [HHH-15367] - Lift embedded/id-class to-one selection limitation for from clause subqueries * [HHH-15329] - Remove workaround for HHH-10382 * [HHH-15325] - Avoid allocations from BitSet.stream() in AbstractEntityPersister.resolveDirtyAttributeIndexes()



** Bug * [HHH-15316] - Session.createQuery() doesn't accept JpaCriteriaInsertSelect * [HHH-15297] - Invalid Automatic-Module-Name org.hibernate.orm.community-dialects * [HHH-15294] - Type issues in CockroachDB dialect * [HHH-15293] - CockroachDB BYTES type does not have a length specification * [HHH-15291] - ClassCastException Regression in CriteriaBuilder * [HHH-15288] - Switch to SMALLINT as recommended type for enums * [HHH-15286] - Query with a Composite Identifier (@​IdClass) throws an exception * [HHH-15285] - Calling getJavaType() of @​ElementCollection with basic types returns wrong type * [HHH-15283] - NullPointerException from EntityManager.createNamedNativeQuery(…) * [HHH-15281] - INSERTs/UPDATEs no longer executed as JDBC Batch statements if hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults is set to false * [HHH-15279] - NPE with Id on OneToOne referencing entity with multi-level EmbeddedId * [HHH-15278] - NPE when NULL is used in a query projection * [HHH-15270] - Inconsistent precedence of orm.xml implicit catalog over "default_catalog" in XML-mapped entities * [HHH-15269] - Update NativeQuery unable to use h-schema placeholder, just emits placeholder contents into SQL * [HHH-15267] - Some cache objects aren't implement Serializable interface * [HHH-15266] - NullPointerException on * [HHH-15265] - SchemaExport.execute does not add the configured schema to comments * [HHH-15263] - @​NamedQuery is not supported with UPDATE statement * [HHH-15260] - Criteria query is unable to determine TableReference when combining subquery with join * [HHH-15258] - Orphan removal for OneToMany relations is broken when used with GenerationType.IDENTITY * [HHH-15256] - Query NPE when using ":param IS NULL" with a Left Join * [HHH-15255] - Fix org.hibernate.orm.test.batch.BatchTest * [HHH-15153] - @​OneToOne does not support @​EmbeddedId * [HHH-15134] - Update a bytecode enhanced Entity with a Version attribute causes OptimisticLockException * [HHH-15010] - @​CreationTimestamp and @​UpdateTimestamp documentation have an incomplete list of supported field types

** Improvement * [HHH-15300] - Unnecessary memory usage detected in SqlStatementLogger.logSlowQuery() * [HHH-15292] - escape special html chars in JavaDoc * [HHH-15276] - Introduce ConverterRegistration annotation * [HHH-15259] - Explicitly add JavaDoc to make @​deprecated hint visible in Eclipse

** New Feature * [HHH-15251] - Unified mapping XSD based on JPA 3.1 * [HHH-10999] - Arrays datatype support via java.sql.Array * [HHH-3356] - Support for subselect (subquery) in from clause

** Task * [HHH-15274] - Small optimisation for how LazyAttributeLoadingInterceptor is dealing with lazy fields * [HHH-14614] - Better support for JUnit 5 on-failure handling




** Bug * [HHH-15246] - HQL fails to set enum col to NULL * [HHH-15245] - Minor regression in CockroachDB test cases * [HHH-15241] - fix nonexistent references in hibernate core's Javadoc * [HHH-15240] - Defining a UserVersionType causes AssertionError from VersionResolution if running in JVM with "-ea" flag set * [HHH-15239] - "user guide" for 5.6 is missing after 6.0 is released * [HHH-15238] - Documentation: update JDBC logging configuration for 6.0 * [HHH-15236] - Fix signing of published artifacts * [HHH-15233] - Query NPE when using ":param IS NULL" and the parameter value is an Entity

* [HHH-15232] - OneToOne-Relation: Exception when using empty List in setParameter
* [HHH-15229] - Query returns null for broken foreign key reference and NotFoundAction.EXCEPTION
* [HHH-15225] - Jta transactions,  name queries with errors throw IllegalStateException instead of IllegalArgumentException when transaction is not active
* [HHH-15223] - Embeddables in the Query Result, the embeddable instance returned by the query will not be in the managed state 
* [HHH-15212] - SchemaExport.execute does not replace the ${schema}-placeholder in HBM database-object with configured schema
* [HHH-15211] - ClassCastException being thrown in transaction commit()
* [HHH-15202] - Unnecessary memory waste due to SubselectFetch
* [HHH-15201] - Composite ID with dynamic-map entities fails with an exception
* [HHH-15196] - LikeExpression.getTypedValues() should use the default Locale instead of Locale.ROOT for lowercasing.
* [HHH-15193] - Fix Gradle plugin - forcing dependency on hibernate-core SNAPSHOT
* [HHH-15174] - TimeZoneStorageType.NORMALIZE_UTC doesn't normalize to UTC
* [HHH-15168] - Trying to execute a native query without parameters throws a NPE
* [HHH-15167] - IllegalArgumentException occurred while calling setter for property 
* [HHH-15164] - Byte Code Enhancement : ClassNotFoundException: net.bytebuddy.NamingStrategy$SuffixingRandom$BaseNameResolver
* [HHH-15163] - hibernate-jpamodelgen 6.0 throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException at build time
* [HHH-15162] - Predicate with LENGTH(<clob>) is causing a QueryException
* [HHH-15161] - Insert statement not inferring types in select clause based on target paths
* [HHH-15154] - User Guide: "using passing" in section 11.11 FetchMode.SUBSELECT
* [HHH-15150] - Hibernate 6 EmbeddedId CacheKeys are no longer Serializable
* [HHH-15141] - Bytecode enhancement fails for a protected, embedded field in a MappedSuperclass from a different package than the entity

** Improvement * [HHH-15221] - Fix a logging error in JdbcValuesCacheHit * [HHH-15220] - correct obvious typos in either comment or variable name * [HHH-15210] - Oracle dialect should have MaxIdentifierLength to 128 for version equals or above 12.2 * [HHH-15208] - Upgrade to Micrometer 1.8.4 * [HHH-15207] - Upgrade GraalVM SDK to * [HHH-15206] - Upgrade to ANTLR 4.10 * [HHH-15204] - Remove dependency to jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api * [HHH-15200] - Support XML DDL type * [HHH-15189] - Deprecation warning for lock timeout is always printed * [HHH-15187] - Upgrade to HCANN 6.0.0.Final * [HHH-15184] - Improve efficiency of Component#getSelectables() * [HHH-15170] - Dedicated chapter for "Build Tool Support" * [HHH-15157] - Add HQL query to NoResultException * [HHH-14992] - Stop building ZIP and TGZ dists to upload to SF * [HHH-4384] - @​JoinColumn must be set for @​AssociationOverride to work

** New Feature * [HHH-15165] - Add GEOGRAPHY constant to SqlTypes

** Task * [HHH-15237] - Upgrade to Agroal 2.0 * [HHH-15226] - Publish a Gradle platform (Maven Bom++) for Hibernate ORM * [HHH-15224] - Update list of modules in the documentation * [HHH-15222] - Introduce an helper class SPI for decorating a Session instance when the instance is lazily provided * [HHH-15219] - Re-introduce the ability to stop and then reactivate a ServiceRegistry * [HHH-15209] - Upgrade to bytebuddy 1.12.9



** Bug * [HHH-15131] - JPA Compliance issue with Envers * [HHH-15118] - PooledOptimizer generates duplicate ids when several JVMs initialize optimizer and sequence value is the initial value * [HHH-15117] - ConstraintViolationException is thrown using same @​SecondaryTable on two entities * [HHH-15115] - Deleting an entity with Joined inheritance and default schema set is throwing and error * [HHH-15113] - Exception setting ParameterExpressions on Update Queries * [HHH-15111] - MappingException is thrown for @​JoinColumn with referencedColumnName on a @​SecondaryTable * [HHH-15105] - Getting the CacheRegionStatistics before executing a query leads to a NPE later on * [HHH-15098] - suboptimal/incorrect behavior when updating managed oneToMany collection on entity with naturalId * [HHH-15091] - EntityManager.persist does not verify the existence of the one side of a many-to-one relationship, introduced 5.4.17 * [HHH-14487] - PropertyAccessStrategyMapImpl imports wrong class

** Improvement * [HHH-15144] - Add IncubationLogger * [HHH-15143] - Add an "implicit naming strategy" for database structures (sequence and tables) for identifier generators * [HHH-15138] - Remove support for Eviction Listeners in BoundedConcurrentHashMap * [HHH-15078] - Support for Tuple and SelectionQuery * [HHH-15055] - Document SelectionQuery and MutationQuery * [HHH-14672] - Allow specifying CHAR-based storage for UUID mappings * [HHH-14510] - Remove deprecated id-gen related contracts and classes * [HHH-13135] - Add support for KEY/NO KEY locking in PostgreSQL

** New Feature * [HHH-14739] - Implement ILike support in 6

** Task * [HHH-15139] - Improvements for QueryInterpretationCache * [HHH-15133] - Use specified result-type to better infer "shape" of query results with implicit selections * [HHH-15132] - Improvements for NavigablePath * [HHH-15119] - Upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.12.8 * [HHH-15107] - Update build to make tests pass against JDK19 * [HHH-14884] - More improvements to Domain Model chapter of the User Guide * [HHH-14872] - Re-enable hibernate-gradle-plugin


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

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This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

renovate[bot] avatar Sep 22 '22 10:09 renovate[bot]

Test Results

0 files   -    201  0 suites   - 201   0s :stopwatch: - 1m 16s 0 tests  - 1 048  0 :heavy_check_mark:  - 1 048  0 :zzz: ±0  0 :x: ±0  0 runs   - 1 063  0 :heavy_check_mark:  - 1 063  0 :zzz: ±0  0 :x: ±0 

Results for commit 3f035bed. ± Comparison against base commit 6d0ad2c3.

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.

github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 22 '22 10:09 github-actions[bot]

The hibernate 6 version has changed to jakarta, so it is difficult to apply right away.

cj848 avatar Sep 22 '22 21:09 cj848

Renovate Ignore Notification

Because you closed this PR without merging, Renovate will ignore this update. You will not get PRs for any future 6.x releases. But if you manually upgrade to 6.x then Renovate will re-enable minor and patch updates automatically.

If you accidentally closed this PR, or if you changed your mind: rename this PR to get a fresh replacement PR.

renovate[bot] avatar Jan 06 '23 01:01 renovate[bot]