home-assistant-svt-play icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
home-assistant-svt-play copied to clipboard

Play SVT Play videos and channels via home assistant

Home Assistant SVT Play

Daily test

Play svt play programs or channels on home assistant media players.

Available actions

Play Suggested

Play the suggested video that is shown on svtplay.se. This is the recomended way of starting a program.

- service: svt_play.play_suggested
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    program_name: rapport

Play Latest

Play the latest video or clip from a specific program. There exists two options to exclude or include videos matching specific categories.

- service: svt_play.play_latest
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    program_name: skavlan
    category: Intervjuer # Optional
    exclude_category: utan filmer # Optional

Play random

Play a random video or clip from a specific program. There exist an option to just random from specific categories.

- service: svt_play.play_random
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    program_name: skavlan
    category: Intervjuer # Optional

Play Channel

Play one of the svt channels.

- service: svt_play.play_channel
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    channel: svt1 # Available channels: svt1, svt2, barnkanalen, kunskapskanalen, svt24

Play video id

If a specific video should be played, its "id" can be extracted from the url. For example jXvZLoG is the id found in the following url: https://www.svtplay.se/video/jXvZLoG/ifs-invandrare-for-svenskar/avsnitt-3

- service: svt_play.play_videoid
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
    videoid: jXvZLoG


Add the code

Copy the custom_components/svt_play folder in this repository to <home assistant config>/custom_components/svt_play


Install via Home Assistant Community Store

Active the service



to your configuration.yaml file.

Use in automations

And then add the automation you want:

- alias:
  # Some trigger
  - service: svt_play.play_suggested
    entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
      program_name: rapport

Get the program_name field

  1. Search an click on the program you want at svtplay.se
  2. From the url, grab the name.