Linda Lee
Linda Lee
@guardaco I tested the wallet out. I really liked the wallet! I'm excited to be working with you guys on a Zcash version of it. The things that impressed me...
I know that wasn't very brief, but I wanted to be thorough! Hope it was helpful, and let me know about next steps.
@guardaco, thanks for being open to feedback, and taking the time to look at the somewhat unsolicited but long amount of it. :) Glad to hear that you're going to...
@guardaco, my figma account email is [email protected]. I'll leave comments there once I have access to the project. Thanks for looking into those UX reviews on Jaxx and Cryptonator! Incorporating...
@guardaco I have access. I'll leave comments there by the end of the week (I'll try to do it today! But in case I cannot, that's the upper bound).
@guardaco, I have left some comments on Figma. Those comments are mainly small fixes (i.e. changing "coins purchase" to "buy" or "purchase" may be nice) and some tips and pointers....
The advice above are more or less consistent with the advice that we give to our users [this section of the privacy and security recommendations]( I’ll briefly go over what...
@eugeneives No rush on the project, thank you so much for being such great collaborative partners. We're so excited to try and figure out the UI and make zaddresses more...
Hi everyone, I haven't heard from you all in a while. Is the period to work on UX now over? It seems to be, if I read the timeline from...
Thanks! Talk then.