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embed iframe object HTML tag NOT working? 编辑器嵌入iframe object
I try to embed a iframe in editor. but it would not save to database.
If I close it, then re-open the post, the html iframe is missing.
Do you know why? How to fix it?
I try to embed <object type="text/html" data=""width="600"height="600"></object>
<object type="text/html" data="" width="600" height="600"
I found solution. 2 steps.
- 添加你的iframe src 域名到白名单过滤器 C:\Apache24\htdocs\glassgov1\common.php
open common.php, search "iframe", add your iframe src domain to white filter.
I add **'', '', '',
to **$hostWhiteList**
//跨站脚本白名单过滤 function XssEscape($html) { $filter = new WhiteHTMLFilter(); $urlFilter = function($url) { $token = parse_url($url); if (empty($token['scheme']) || in_array($token['scheme'], array('http', 'https')) === false) { return ''; } $hostWhiteList = array( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
2)ueditor config 添加 iframe 元素,object 元素。 C:\Apache24\htdocs\glassgov1\static\editor\ueditor.config.js
Open ueditor.config.js, add below 3 line code at : window.UEDITOR_CONFIG = { )
// allow embed iframe tag
,iframe: ['frameborder','src','width','height']
,object: ['type','data','width','height']
// allow embed iframe tag ,iframe: ['frameborder','src','width','height'] ,object: ['type','data','width','height']
Success embed iframe, object html tag
@hoogw nginx呢?怎么操作