psiresp copied to clipboard
psiresp calculation on molecules (using example code) gets validation errors
I am testing using psiresp for our own molecules, some of which may be in slightly odd configurations as they're from transition states, so this error may be a result of our molecule just being a bit weird, but the molecule doesn't appear to present problems in psi4 in other configurations. I am using more or less the example code from the wiki.
Expected behavior The calculation should complete and return charges, as it does in the example, OR if the molecule isn't valid for some reason return an error saying that.
Actual behavior The calculation fails after the psi4 calculations with this error message:
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 2 validation errors for WavefunctionProperties
Return quantity scf_orbitals_b does not exist in the values. (type=value_error)
Return quantity scf_eigenvalues_b does not exist in the values. (type=value_error)
To Reproduce The following python script reproduces the error. In order to restore the correct behaviour the string can just be replaced with the example one here: (and yes i know my molecule isn't dmso)
import psiresp
import qcelemental as qcel
from rdkit import Chem
import numpy as np
# server stuff
import qcfractal.interface as ptl
from psiresp.testing import FractalSnowflake
dmso_spec = """\
! test molecule
S 24.58 -19.607 31.661
N 20.167 -19.023 27.319
N 18.498 -20.322 26.509
O 22.182 -19.453 28.456
N 17.93 -20.341 23.396
O 22.563 -16.868 30.759
C 25.324 -21.631 32.538
N 19.728 -18.841 23.288
O 19.993 -16.869 29.713
C 23.642 -20.181 30.2
N 20.934 -18.004 25.213
C 22.979 -18.958 29.56
C 22.012 -18.143 30.485
C 20.67 -18.096 29.663
C 21.147 -18.452 28.226
C 19.184 -19.94 27.597
C 19.084 -19.604 25.45
C 18.885 -19.598 24.044
C 20.683 -18.078 23.891
C 20.117 -18.805 25.96
qcdmso = qcel.models.Molecule.from_data(dmso_spec, dtype='xyz')
dmso = psiresp.Molecule(qcmol=qcdmso)
server = FractalSnowflake()
client = ptl.FractalClient(server, verify=False)
# QMGeometryOptimizationOptions(method='b3lyp', basis='sto-3g', pcm_options=None,
# driver='gradient', query_interval=20,
# protocols={'wavefunction': 'orbitals_and_eigenvalues'},
# g_convergence='gau_tight', max_iter=200, full_hess_every=10, jobname='optimization')
geometry_options = psiresp.QMGeometryOptimizationOptions(
method="b3lyp", basis="sto-3g")
# QMEnergyOptions(method='b3lyp', basis='sto-3g', pcm_options=None, driver='energy',
# query_interval=20, protocols={'wavefunction': 'orbitals_and_eigenvalues'},
# jobname='single_point')
esp_options = psiresp.QMEnergyOptions(
method="b3lyp", basis="sto-3g",
resp_options = psiresp.RespOptions()
job = psiresp.Job(molecules=[dmso],
for molecule in job.molecules:
Computing environment:
- Operating system: Linux, ubuntu 22.04
- Python version: 3.8.13
- Version of PsiRESP: 0.4.2
- Output of running
conda list
# Name Version Build Channel
_libgcc_mutex 0.1 conda_forge conda-forge
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alembic 1.8.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
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lcms2 2.12 hddcbb42_0 conda-forge
ld_impl_linux-64 2.38 h1181459_1
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msgpack-python 1.0.4 py38h43d8883_0 conda-forge
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