Lily Medina
Lily Medina
in our last discussion on this we thought about having an internal function that handles non-linear operators over types. As opposed to having `get_types` doing this type of operations.
see WIP PR [165](
PR has been merged, but it's not in the latest cran version, so not sure how generics handles that. When I include importFrom broom,tidy it seems to be working fine,...
na klar! - The PR to broom was merged, which is enough to be able to tidy(). Though I forgot to include CIs in tibble and also noticed that columns...
see updates below **Broom** - I haven't been able to fix the class of columns in tibble (it's still character!) -- I PR'd broom to change this but their master...
Broom's PR has been merged. Currently having an issue when printing code for the vignette, when `mediation_package` option is turned on. The following chunk throws an error ``` {r, code...
great! One last thing: this branch currently depends on the GitHub's version of broom --@jaspercooper, would that be ok esp now that tidy should be imported from generics? or is...
method for mlm performs tests but doesn't compute variance or expected value of the linear combination of coefficients, so not so sure what would we include in the tidy output.
The issue with the code above is that reduces the parameter space of model "X->Y" such that there's only one element left in each parameter set after restrictions. The restricted...