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An RTF document creation library for javascript.
An RTF document creation library for javascript.
Based on Jonathan Rowny's node-rtf.
npm install --save jsrtf
Using CommonJS:
var jsRTF = require('jsrtf');
Using YModules:
// require('jsrtf'); // if required
modules.require(['jsrtf'], (jsRTF) => {
// ...
// Create RTF object
var myDoc = new jsRTF();
// Formatter object
var textFormat = new jsRTF.Format({
spaceBefore : 300,
spaceAfter : 300,
paragraph : true,
// Adding text styled with formatter
myDoc.writeText('Demo text.', textFormat);
// Make content...
var content = myDoc.createDocument();
A little more complex sample
// Extending color table
Object.assign(jsRTF.Colors, {
darkGreen : new jsRTF.RGB(0,64,0),
// Default page margin size (twips)
pageMargin = 3000,
// Page options
pageOptions = {
// Language: Russian
language : jsRTF.Language.RU,
// Set page size: A4 horizontal
pageWidth : jsRTF.Utils.mm2twips(297),
pageHeight : jsRTF.Utils.mm2twips(210),
// Landscape page format -- which effect it making?
landscape : true,
// Margins:
marginLeft : pageMargin,
marginTop : pageMargin,
marginBottom : pageMargin,
marginRight : pageMargin,
// Calculate content width (for 100% tables, for example)
contentWidth = pageOptions.pageWidth - pageOptions.marginLeft - pageOptions.marginRight,
// Create RTF object
myDoc = new jsRTF(pageOptions)
// Formatter object
defaultFontSize = 12,
titleStyle = new jsRTF.Format({
spaceBefore : 500,
spaceAfter : 500,
paragraph : true,
align : 'center',
fontSize : 30,
color : jsRTF.Colors.ORANGE,
border : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.RED },
// borderColor : jsRTF.Colors.RED,
borderTop : { type : 'double', width : 50, spacing : 100, color : jsRTF.Colors.GREEN },
emphasisStyle = new jsRTF.Format({
color : jsRTF.Colors.darkGreen, // Custom color added above
textStyle = new jsRTF.Format({
spaceBefore : 300,
spaceAfter : 300,
paragraph : true,
fontSize : defaultFontSize,
color : jsRTF.Colors.BLACK,
// Adding text styled with formatter
myDoc.writeText('Title', titleStyle);
// Adding complex element with inline and default stylings
new jsRTF.ContainerElement([
new jsRTF.TextElement('Striked ', emphasisStyle),
'content and',
], { strike : true }),
new jsRTF.TextElement(' display `textStyle` variable: ', emphasisStyle),
new jsRTF.TextElement(JSON.stringify(textStyle)), // TODO: Code coloring plugin?
], {
paragraph : true,
spaceBefore : 500,
spaceAfter : 500,
// Add table
var cellPadding = 100,
cellBaseProps = {
spaceBefore : cellPadding,
spaceAfter : cellPadding,
leftIndent : cellPadding,
rightIndent : cellPadding,
table = new jsRTF.TableElement({
format : new jsRTF.Format({
// tableBorder : 10,
tableWidth : contentWidth,
rowFormat : new jsRTF.Format(Object.assign({}, cellBaseProps, {
// rowBorderTop : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.GREEN }, // ???
// strike : true,
// color : jsRTF.Colors.GRAY,
firstRowFormat : new jsRTF.Format(Object.assign({}, cellBaseProps, {
cellVerticalAlign : 'bottom',
tableHeader : true,
bold : false,
color : jsRTF.Colors.WHITE,
cellBgColor : jsRTF.Colors.RED,
cellFormat : new jsRTF.Format({
cellBorderRight : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.BLACK },
cellBorderTop : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.BLACK },
cellBorderLeft : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.BLACK },
cellBorderBottom : { type : 'single', width : 10, color : jsRTF.Colors.BLACK },
cellFormats : [
new jsRTF.Format({ widthRatio : 0.2, strike : true, bold : true, color : jsRTF.Colors.GREEN }),
new jsRTF.Format({ widthPercents : 80, underline : true, color : jsRTF.Colors.MAROON }),
// Add rows
table.addRow([ 'Table row', 'with two\ncolumns' ]);
table.addRow([ 'Second row', 'and the second column' ]);
myDoc.writeText('Demo text.', textStyle);
// Make content
var content = myDoc.createDocument();
See section below for tips about document saving.
See more examples in demo folder.
Saving & encoding documents
When you save a document it is necessary to keep in mind that the rtf documents to use 8-bit encoding, while JavaScript uses Unicode. Thus, before saving you need to convert your data to binary buffer (if it contains some non-latin1 characters, see below for decoding from unicode samples):
var data = myDoc.createDocument();
var buffer = new Buffer(data, 'binary');
fs.writeFile(resultFile, buffer, function (error) {
if ( !error ) {
console.info('Created file', resultFile);
else {
Moreover, it is necessary to properly convert the encoding. For example, using iconv:
var Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
var conv = new Iconv('utf8', 'windows-1251');
data = conv.convert(data);
...or iconv-lite:
var iconvLite = require('iconv-lite');
data = iconvLite.encode(data, 'win1251');
Or write your own encode function like this (for default windows' cyrillic windows-1251):
function utf8_decode_to_win1251 (srcStr) {
var tgtStr = '', c = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < srcStr.length; i++ ) {
c = srcStr.charCodeAt(i);
if ( c > 127 ) {
if ( c > 1024 ) {
if ( c === 1025 ) { c = 1016; }
else if ( c === 1105 ) { c = 1032; }
c -= 848;
// c = c % 256; // ???
tgtStr += String.fromCharCode(c);
return tgtStr;
data = utf8_decode_to_win1251(data);
See also possible codepage-related rtf entities:
: N = codepage number (eg 1251 for samples above). Not used now but may be implemented.
To save documents directly from the browser you can use FileSaver or StreamSaver.