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find rsync parallel tar as reserved words within crush grammar
Rather than using outside find rsync parallel tar binaries being called from within crush, I would recommend integrating rustified versions of these within crush as first-class reserved words. The rustified versions should preserve all existing c-based rsync/parallel/tar cli capabilities.
export MAX_CPU_CORES=16
#create destination directory
mkdir -p /home/blahuser/testsourcedirectory/
#create sourcedirectory's directory tree structure within destination directory
rsync --archive --include='*/' --exclude='*' /home/blahuser/testdestinationdirectory/ /home/blahuser/testsourcedirectory/
# Make a file listing from the source directory
# Pass it along to parallel which will run as many file copies as it can in parallel,
# in this case 16 files simultaneously.
# It will invoke the next file copy as soon as one of the previous file copies is done
cd /home/blahuser/testdestinationdirectory/; find -L . -type f | parallel -j $MAX_CPU_CORES rsync --archive {} /home/blahuser/testsourcedirectory/{}
I perceive performance improvements from rustified versions for each mentioned tool:
find : it could use the parallel directory walker and return file listings faster
rsync : could make use of the parallel directory walker also while also making use of async file copying for better performance there too.
parallel : could make use of flume/crossbeam channels and perform faster than gnu parallel.
tar : could be made faster for the same above reasons as find, rsync and parallel.
Following all of this thought, I actually believe crush could become the next generation faster busybox. "BusyBox is a software suite that provides several Unix utilities in a single executable file."
I agree what these should be builtins. Patches are welcome!
I bet could be useful :-)
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Oh, or!