Linqing Liu
Linqing Liu
I ran 216 tests on parameters including: decay=[0.99, 0.95], lr=[5E-4, 1E-4], batch_size=[8, 16], momentum=[0, 0.15, 0.05], rnn_hidden_dim=[128, 256, 512], epochs=[10,15,20]. In all cases, I use RMSProp for optimization according to...
I've updated the readme and sent PR. @Victor0118
I re-ran the best parameter setting (Pearson's r 0.8707) 80 times with different random seeds. The 95% confidence interval is: [0.8625, 0.8644]. Among these 80 results, the highest Pearson'r value...
+1! It would be really helpful to have the script for PTB dataset! @kimiyoung