monkey copied to clipboard
NullPointerException while building app
Hello, Firstly, I would like to thank you for your job. It looks on good tool for develeping garmin based apps. However I got error during buid appliction. I installed plugin from repository and then created key. I got errors ( I changed paths in logs, I don't want to share my disk structure):
Information:"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2017.3.2\jre64\bin\java" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar C:/Tools/connectiq-sdk-win-2.4.1\bin\monkeybrains.jar -o C:\IdeaProjects\untitled3\out\production\untitled3\untitled3.prg -w -y C:\Tools\connectiq-sdk-win-2.4.1\klucz.txt -z C:\IdeaProjects\untitled3\resources\drawables\drawables.xml;C:\IdeaProjects\untitled3\resources\layouts\layout.xml;C:\IdeaProjects\untitled3\resources\strings\strings.xml -m C:/IdeaProjects/untitled3\manifest.xml C:\IdeaProjejcts\untitled3\source\ C:\IdeaProjects\untitled3\source\ -d square_watch_sim -s 1.2.1
Information:at com.garmin.monkeybrains.devices.SimDevice.
Thx @lazarec for reporting this issue! At least now I know it probably isn't just my setup.
I added the plugin to IDEA 2017.3.4, created a new project, setup the Connect SDK (v 2.4.2), selected my Developer Key, build and see the same issue you shared (Error:null), but with paths from my Mac OS 10.13.3, and Java SDK 1.8.0_162.
Sadness. I was hoping to avoid the frustrations of the Eclipse IDE. 😞
Information:"/Applications/IntelliJ" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar /Users/timcolson/code/connectiq-sdk/bin/monkeybrains.jar -o /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/out/production/supertimer/supertimer.prg -w -y /Users/timcolson/code/connectiq-sdk/developer_key -z /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/strings/strings.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/drawables/drawables.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/layouts/layout.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/menus/menu.xml -m /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/manifest.xml /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ -d square_watch_sim -s 1.2.1
Information:at com.garmin.monkeybrains.devices.SimDevice.<init>(
Information:at com.garmin.monkeybrains.Monkeybrains.simpleMain(
Information:at com.garmin.monkeybrains.Monkeybrains.simpleMain(
Information:at com.garmin.monkeybrains.Monkeybrains.main(
Information:usage: monkeyc [-a <arg>] [-b] [-c <arg>] [-d <arg>] [-e] [-f <arg>] [-g] [-h
Information:<arg>] [--hideApi <arg>] [-i <arg>] [-k] [-m <arg>] [-n <arg>] [-o <arg>]
Information:[-p <arg>] [-r] [-s <arg>] [-t] [-u <arg>] [-v] [-w] [-x <arg>] [-y
Information:<arg>] [-z <arg>]
Information:-a,--apidb <arg> API import file
Information:-b,--buildapi Build API output files
Information:-c,--configs-dir <arg> Configuration directory for each device
Information:-d,--device <arg> Target device
Information:-e,--package-app Create an application package.
Information:-f,--jungles <arg> Jungle files
Information:-g,--debug Print debug output
Information:-h,--excludes-map-file <arg>Mapping file of exclusions
Information:--hideApi <arg> Hide API annotations
Information:-i,--import-dbg <arg> Import api.debug.xml
Information:-k,--write-db Write out the api.db file
Information:-m,--manifest <arg> Manifest file
Information:-n,--api-version <arg> The new API version
Information:-o,--output <arg> Output file to create
Information:-p,--project-info <arg> projectInfo.xml file to use when compiling
Information:-r,--release Strip debug information
Information:-s,--sdk-version <arg> SDK version to target
Information:-t,--unit-test Enables compilation of unit tests
Information:-u,--devices <arg> devices.xml file to use when compiling
Information:-v,--version Prints the compiler version
Information:-w,--warn Show compiler warnings
Information:-x,--excludes <arg> Add annotations to the exclude list
Information:-y,--private-key <arg> Private key to sign builds with
Information:-z,--rez <arg> Resource file
Information:"/Applications/IntelliJ" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true -jar /Users/timcolson/code/connectiq-sdk/bin/monkeybrains.jar -o /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/out/test/supertimer/supertimer.prg -w -y /Users/timcolson/code/connectiq-sdk/developer_key -z /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/strings/strings.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/drawables/drawables.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/layouts/layout.xml:/Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/resources/menus/menu.xml -m /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/manifest.xml /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ /Users/timcolson/code/supertimer/source/ -d square_watch_sim -s 1.2.1 --unit-test
Information:2/9/18, 8:20 PM - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 3s 615ms
Yay! Woot! I got it to work ~5 min after posting that error log.
I updated the three areas:
- Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Modules -> Target Device : set as "Forerunner 235" & Target SDK 1.3.x.
- Run configuration - set device to Forerunner 235.
- Update manifest.xml q:product id="square_watch" to "f235"
At that point, compilation gave me a clue:
Error:fr235: Invalid device ID found in the manifest: f235
Error:Invalid device ID found.
Setting it back to "square_watch", fails, but setting to "fr235" - the proper ID, and it works!
I hope this helps others troubleshoot! -Tim
Glad you found a workaround.
I am sorry for being inactive with this project, but currently I am not really planning to continue.