scala.rx copied to clipboard
Leaking without compile error
Moving the example from the Readme into a class without adding an explicit owner in mkRx
leads to an leak. and no compiler error helps you to avoid this.
The class:
class Test(implicit ctx: Ctx.Owner) {
var count = 0
val a = Var(1); val b = Var(2)
def mkRx(i: Int) = Rx { count += 1; i + b() }
val c = Rx {
val newRx = mkRx(a())
println(, count)
a() = 4
println(, count)
b() = 3
println(, count) //(7,5) -- 5??
(0 to 100).foreach { i => a() = i }
println(, count)
b() = 4
println(, count) //(104,211) -- 211!!!
I don't know if there is a way to handle this or it's known issue, but I thought it should be mentioned.
I've run the example using:
import rx.Ctx.Owner.Unsafe._
new Test()
and the results is as in comments: println(, count) //(104,211) -- 211!!!
. Am I running it in wrong way?
scalaRxVersion = "0.3.1"
After changing Owner.Unsafe
it works in the same way
class Test {
implicit val ctx: Ctx.Owner =
var count = 0
val a = Var(1); val b = Var(2)
new Test()
For Future reference, the code should look like this in order to work correctly:
class Test(implicit ctx: Ctx.Owner) {
var count = 0
val a = Var(1); val b = Var(2)
// we need to pass the implicit ctx! Alternative you can only pass ctx.Data.
def mkRx(i: Int)(implicit ctx: Ctx.Owner) = Rx { count += 1; i + b() }
val c = Rx {
// calls mkRx with the owner of the current Rx-Trigger, will be killed on next trigger
val newRx = mkRx(a())
println(, count)
a() = 4
println(, count)
b() = 3
println(, count) //(7,5) -- 5??
(0 to 100).foreach { i => a() = i }
println(, count)
b() = 4
println(, count) //(104,211) -- 211!!!
I think, this issue can be closed. The general problem of lacking documentation is tracked here: #67