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An implementation of a websocket server on top of spray.io
This is a implementation of a websocket server and client for the spray.io web toolkit. It is currently a work in progress, but it has a pretty comprehensive test suite that exercises a whole bunch of functionality. The server/client can:
- Work under SSL (all the tests are done both in the clear and under SSL)
- Handle fragmented messages (the server will buffer up a complete message before passing it to your
- Cut off messages which are too big (whether single-messages or fragmented)
- Kill the connection when there's a protocol violation according to the websocket spec (probably doesn't account for everything at the moment)
- Automatically respond to pings with pongs
- Match up outgoing Pings and incoming Pongs to find round trip times
- Automatically ping every client according to the
, using thepingGenerator
to generate the body of each ping - Pass almost the entire Autobahn Test Suite
and sever-report.html
contain the Autobahn test reports for both the server and the client. The only tests currently failing are unicode strictness tests, which means the server isn't killing connections in the case of malformed unicode as strictly as it should.
SprayWebSockets isnt currently hosted on any maven repository; you can add
to your Build.scala
project to make it work
Getting Started
The main class of interest is Sockets. Here's a full example of its use:
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(timeout = 2 seconds)
// Hard-code the websocket request
val upgradeReq = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/mychat", List(
Host("server.example.com", 80),
RawHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key", "x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==")
class SocketServer extends Actor{
def receive = {
case x: Tcp.Connected => sender ! Register(self) // normal Http server init
case req: HttpRequest =>
// Upgrade the connection to websockets if you think the incoming
// request looks good
if (true){
// upgrade the pipeline
sender ! Sockets.UpgradeServer(Sockets.acceptAllFunction(req), self)
case Sockets.Upgraded => // do nothing
case f @ Frame(fin, rsv, Text, maskingKey, data) =>
// Reply to frames with the text content capitalized
sender ! Frame(
opcode = OpCode.Text,
data = ByteString(f.stringData.toUpperCase)
class SocketClient extends Actor{
var result: Frame = null
def receive = {
case x: Tcp.Connected =>
// send an upgrade request immediately when connected
sender ! Sockets.UpgradeClient(upgradeReq, self)
case resp: HttpResponse =>
// by the time this comes back, the server's pipeline should
// already be upgraded
sender ! Frame(
opcode = OpCode.Text,
maskingKey = Some(12345),
data = ByteString("i am cow")
case Sockets.Upgraded =>
// The client's pipeline is upgraded, but the server's may not be
case f: Frame =>
result = f // save the result
val server = TestActorRef(new SocketServer)
IO(Sockets) ! Http.Bind(
implicit val client = TestActorRef(new SocketClient)
IO(Sockets) ! Http.Connect(
val result = eventually{client.underlyingActor.result.stringData}
assert(result == "I AM COW")
It is essentially an extended Http
server. In fact it should be a drop-in replacement for a HttpServer: as long as you don't use any websocket functionality (i.e. never send UpgradeClient
or UpgradeServer
messages) the behavior should be identical.
Decide how you want to handle the websocket handshakes
A websocket handshake is similar to an exchange of HttpRequest/Response, and the Sockets
server re-uses all the existing http infrastructure to handle it. When a websocket request comes in, the listener you gave to the Bind
command will receive a message that looks like:
GET /mychat HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Origin: http://example.com
SocketServer response:
This is the client half of the websocket handshake, which your MessageHandler
will receive as a HttpRequest
. If you want to accept it and upgrade into a websocket connection, you must upgrade the connection with a HttpResponse
which looks like
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
is a convenience function provided to handle the most common case where you just want to accept the message and upgrade the connection with a default reply.
So far all this stuff is just normal usage of the Http
server. This logic lives in your actor's receive
method with the rest of your http handling stuff, and you can ignore/reject the request too if you don't want to handle it.
When you're done with the handshake, you must reply with an Sockets.UpgradeServer/UpgradeClient
message so the server can shift that connection into websocket-mode. The Sockets
server will swap out the http-related pipeline with a websocket pipeline. Upgrade is defined as:
object UpgradeServer{
def apply(resp: HttpResponse,
frameHandler: ActorRef,
frameSizeLimit: Int = Int.MaxValue)
(implicit extraStages: ServerPipelineStage = EmptyPipelineStage) = ...
object UpgradeClient{
def apply(req: HttpRequest,
frameHandler: ActorRef,
frameSizeLimit: Int = Int.MaxValue,
maskGen: () => Int = () => util.Random.nextInt())
(implicit extraStages: ClientPipelineStage = AutoPong(maskGen)) = ...
The frameHandler
is the actor that will receive the websocket traffic. It can be the same one, as in the example above, or a different actor. frameSizeLimit
specifies how big frames are allowed to get before being rejected. extraStages
allows you to inject extra behavior into the websocket pipeline, the value of which will be explained later.
Note how the handshake's req
and resp
are part of the Upgrade
message. This ensures that the response handling and upgrading appears to happen atomically to the outside world, avoiding race conditions.
###Define a proper frameHandler
The frameHandler
will then be sent a SocketServer.Upgraded
message. The connection is now open, and the frameHandler
can now:
- Send
messages - Receive
to the sender of the Upgraded
message. Each Frame
is defined as:
case class Frame(FIN: Boolean = true,
RSV: byte = 0,
opcode: OpCode,
maskingKey: Option[Int] = None,
data: ByteString = ByteString.empty)
and represents a single websocket frame. Sending a Frame
pipes it across the internet to whoever is on the other side, and any frames he pipes back will hit your frameHandler
's receive
method. You've opened your first websocket connection! This is where the Sockets
server's job ends and your application can send as many outgoing Frame
s as it likes do whatever you want with the incoming Frame
All the messages that the frameHandler
can expect to send/receive from the Sockets
server are documented in the Sockets
companion object.
###Close the Connection
In order to close the connection, the frameHandler
should send a Frame
with opcode = OpCode.ConnectionClose
to comply with the websocket protocol, before sending a Tcp.Close
message to actually terminate the TCP connection. The Frame Handler will then receive a Tcp.Closed
message. If the client initiates a close (whether cleanly via a ConnectionClose
frame, or by abruptly cutting off the TCP connection) the frameHandler
will just receive the Tcp.Closed
message directly.
Additional Configuration
The UpgradeServer
and UpgradeClient
messages optionally take an additional extraStages
argument. This lets you inject any sort of behavior on top of the existing websocket parsing and consolidation phases. Two built in stages are:
: used on a server, this phase generatesPing
frames at a regular interval, matches up the correspondingPong
s and sendsRoundTripTime
messages to theframeHandler
. This stage also hides thePing
s from theframeHandler
: used on a client (by default), this automatically responds toPing
messages withPong
s so yourframeHandler
doesn't need to deal with them, and doesn't even see them
These stages can easily be added, removed or even replaced with custom stages. For example, if you want to perform extra filters or transforms on the incoming Frames, you can simply insert them as an additional stage in the websocket pipeline.