lab icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lab copied to clipboard

lab is a cli client of gitlab like hub


Build Status Coverage Status

lab is a cli client of gitlab like hub.


Go developer

Please getting source code and build.

go get
make ensure
make install

Binary download

Please run the install script:

curl -s | bash

The script installs the lab command in /usr/local/bin. For more details, see the source code.


Usage: lab [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    browse                    Browse project page
    issue                     Create and Edit, list a issue
    issue-template            List issue template
    job                       List job
    lint                      validate .gitlab-ci.yml
    merge-request             Create and Edit, list a merge request
    merge-request-template    List merge request template
    mr                        Create and Edit, list a merge request
    pipeline                  List pipeline, List pipeline jobs
    project                   List project
    project-variable          List project level variables
    runner                    List CI/CD Runner
    user                      List user


  1. change directory gitlab repository
    • lab command accesses gitlab quickly by useing repository infomation
    $ cd {gitlab repository}
  2. launch lab command
    $ lab issue
  3. please input personal access token
    • use the lab command you need Personal access take look here(
    Please input GitLab private token : {your token}



Open gitlab pages on brwoser.

# Browse project page
$ lab browse

# Browse project file
$ lab browse ./

# Browse sub page
$ lab browse -s issues

Operations to Issue and Merge Request

Many operations can be done with simple input.

# List issue
lab issue

# Browse issue
lab issue -b {issue ii}

# Show issue
lab issue {issue id}

# Create issue
lab issue -e

# Update issue
lab issue {issue id} -e


auto create configuration file ~/.config/lab/config.yml when launch lab command


    token: ********************
    default_group: hoge
    default_project: hoge/soge
    default_assignee_id: 123
    token: ******************** 
    default_group: foo
    default_project: foo/bar
    default_assignee_id: 456


  • variable command
    • [x] Project-level Variables
    • [ ] Group-level Variables
  • use template
    • [x] issue template
    • [x] merge request template
  • [ ] pipeline actions
    • [ ] cancel
    • [ ] retry
  • [ ] label command
  • [x] project-member command
  • workflow automation command
    • [ ] create
      • create new project and cloning repository
    • [ ] fork
      • create fork project and cloning repository
    • [ ] flow
      • create issue and create WIP: merge request

Similar tool

There are similar tools. If you prefer modern style commands like docker. This tool may be better.

Note: This tool and lighttiger2505/lab are completely different tools