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Australia Post image attachments in e-mails
One of the image servers supplies the Australia Post .png redirects is blocked. A device will attempt to reach, be redirected to and fail to proceed as that domain is blocked. When whitelisted, an example resulting link is This would appear in the header of the e-mail confirming that a parcel is being delivered to you. For that reason, unless you also happen to have an Australian delivery address, testing this may be difficult.
This domain does not appear on other block lists like Stephen Black's and others.
Considering how small a demographic this particular URL affects I would totally understand if this remains blocked. It's easy enough to whitelist exactly one domain, as the server used to serve the redirects to the images remains the same (at least for now). I think akamai may also serve redirects for user uploaded Facebook images, so it may just be this specific sub domain that serves Australia Post; just speculation.
Exacttarget has certainly become a torn in my side. I might have to give in and more this is the aggressive list. You are certainly not alone in having it break things, its become an issue for me and my wife too. I appreciate the quality issue report! I'll update again once I make a decision. (sorry for the late response!)
Sorry I didn't clarify this but this was on the normal list at
Edit: I know realise you typo'd "move" as "more". Ignore the prior comment.