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Wallet balance 0 despite many confs on deposit tx.
User report: "Hi guys, something strange has happened. I send a small amount to the wallet's address, there are 90 confirmations but my balance on the wallet is still 0."
Same here, already more than enough confirmations but balance 0. I am located in China, could be somehow related to the great firewall?
Same issue. Using android.
Plenty of confirmations, the address definitely received the amount, as it appears when looking up the address on the blockchain. But nothing showing in the app.
I reinstalled the app, restored with the keys, after trying to sync, the app now continuously crashes.
Same issue, located in Europe. @solenya666 I restored my seed on desktop wallet to access my funds. Hope it helps until this bug get fixed.
Thanks @phideas, no problem with the funds, just was hoping to play around with a mobile lightning app :)
Just reinstalled twice, the app crashes, both times around the same block of the sync (582140 and 582138)
@solenya666 @leggii @phideas Hi, thanks for the reports. Crash on restore is fixed in lnd master and the fix will be included in the next app release!
@valentinewallace what about the 0 balance? and when is the net release :)
I'm also still experiencing the $0 balance issue, I'm on iOS. Sent 0.001 BTC to the app. Waited until about 1000 confirmations and a fully synced lightning app. Still had 0 balance.
Deleted the app and restored from backup key, seemed to work and sync again. Now more than 3000 confirmations still $0 balance in the app. Also checked the address in the app again, it's definitely the same address that received the funds.