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Pytorch Repo for DeepGCNs (ICCV'2019 Oral, TPAMI'2021), DeeperGCN (arXiv'2020) and GNN1000(ICML'2021):

Results 6 deep_gcns_torch issues
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Hey, First great work! I read your paper and I find fascinating, as such, I wanted to test the use of DEQ-GNN in my research, however, I dont find the...

The `Dilated` layer doesn't take into account `k`. This can lead to taking more neighbours than intended. ```python t = torch.tensor([ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,...

DilatedKnnGraph can accept a badly shaped batch parameter when using "matrix" mode. This happens because only batch_size is used. Maybe an assertion / error should be raised as in Pytorch...

Hi, thanks for releasing this comprehensive codebase combining both DeepGCNs paper and DeeperGCNs paper. I was wondering whether you have experimented with the architectural advancements from DeeperGCNs on the 3D...

Excuse me, how can we run link_prediction based on ogbn-arxiv?

Hello! I recently used your DeepGCNs in my work, and now I would like to ask how to complete the ablation study on dilation, which is how do I get...