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KLEE Symbolic Execution Engine
KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
is a symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler
infrastructure. Currently, there are two primary components:
The core symbolic virtual machine engine; this is responsible for executing LLVM bitcode modules with support for symbolic values. This is comprised of the code in lib/.
A POSIX/Linux emulation layer oriented towards supporting uClibc, with additional support for making parts of the operating system environment symbolic.
Additionally, there is a simple library for replaying computed inputs on native code (for closed programs). There is also a more complicated infrastructure for replaying the inputs generated for the POSIX/Linux emulation layer, which handles running native programs in an environment that matches a computed test input, including setting up files, pipes, environment variables, and passing command line arguments.
For further information, see the webpage.
Build Instructions
Build instructions (assuming you have typical KLEE dependencies like z3 installed). This assumes you're on either Ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04, but should work for 14.04 too.
git clone [email protected]:trailofbits/remill.git
cd remill/tools
git clone [email protected]:trailofbits/klee.git
cd ../../
./remill/scripts/build.sh --llvm-version 7.0 --use-host-compiler
cd remill-build
make install
cd ..
If you have an issue with the last step, or later issues with things like registering a target machine,
then try removing --use-host-compiler
or changing to llvm version 8.0. The build.sh script
downloads pre-built binaries/libraries for things like LLVM, Clang, XED, etc., and sometimes there
are ABI-related linking issues for libc++ vs. libstdc++.
The snapshotting program allows for the program state to be saved and loaded into the KLEE
It prepares a workspace directory to be later used for the klee-exec
program. When a breakpoint is
specified, the program will run natively until it reaches that point in execution. At that moment program
state is saved.
Usage: ./klee-snapshot-[llvm-version-number] --workspace_dir [PATH TO WORKSPACE DIR] [FLAGS] -- [PATH TO BINARY]
* --arch
OPTIONS [amd64, amd64_avx, amd64_avx512, aarch64]
* --dynamic
bool that represents if the binary is dynamically linked. Set to false by default.
* --breakpoint
virtual address where snapshot is taken during execution. If the --dynamic flag is
specified then a virtual offset is expected. It is recommended that for dynamic binaries a
disassembler is used to find an area of interest in the program and that virtual offset is
* --verbose
* --os
Lifts code and runs it in the KLEE
's executor from a workspace directory with snapshot information.
Usage: ./klee-exec-[llvm-version-number] --workspace_dir [PATH TO WORKSPACE DIR]
* --symbolic_stdin
bool that makes inputs to stdin automatic and symbolic
Example after build:
- Dynamic Binary
./klee-snapshot-7.0 --workspace_dir ws --dynamic --breakpoint 0x1337 --arch amd64_avx -- ./a.out
./klee-exec-7.0 --workspace_dir ws --symbolic_stdin
- Static Binary
./klee-snapshot-7.0 --workspace_dir ws --breakpoint 0x555555555555 --arch amd64 -- ./a.out
./klee-exec-7.0 --workspace_dir ws
Additional Information
An important thing to note is that if your native cpu supports sse instructions, and you decide to snapshot after cpuid is called natively, then you must specify an avx option for the architecture of the snapshot. otherwise those kinds of instructions won't lift. If you encounter any problems or desire additional information feel free to file an issue, or get on Empire Hacking Slack.