> 别担心,其他人已经设法重现了结果。这显然是可能的,并且模型可以在消费级硬件上运行(Microsoft VASA已经证明了这一点)。因此,请计算其发布前的几个月(或几天)。在有人发布这个之前,这只是时间问题。 I believe Microsoft will not disclose their code, and even with APIs, they would not allow people to freely create animations of anyone. This is because it...
> > 在通义千问app上已经上架了,什么时候开源呢? > > Hi bro, can you tell me the name of the app on Tongyi ? Do you use Tongyi ( global version ) or China local...
I have downloaded all the required files and placed them in the models\kosmos2\kosmos-2-patch14-224 directory, the error is as follows: Error occurred when executing MS kosmos-2 Interrogator: 'MsKosmos2' object has no...
I have downloaded the entire folder, which is about 13GB in total.