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Open royaso opened this issue 9 years ago • 1 comments

92 20 years is a long time in the software industry. Consider this: in 1980, when Richard Stallma n was cursing the AI Lab's Xerox laser printer, Microsoft, which dominates the worldwide softw are industry, was still a privately held startup. IBM, the company then regarded as the most p owerful force in the computer hardware industry, had yet to introduce its first personal compu ter, thereby igniting the current low-cost PC market. Many of the technologies we now take for granted -- the World Wide Web, satellite television, 32-bit video-game consoles -- didn't eve n exist. The same goes for many of the companies that now fill the upper echelons of the corpo rate establishment, companies like AOL, Sun Microsystems,, Compaq, and Dell. The li st goes on and on. 93 \fi 94 95 \ifdefined\chs 96 二十年的时间,对软件业来说,可是个不短的年头。遥想二十多年前的1980年,斯托曼还在咒骂着人工智能 实验室的施乐打印机;微软,这个被当今黑客视为全球软件业巨头的公司,还是个私人的创业小公司;而IB M,这个被当年的黑客视为全球计算机业巨头的公司,还没推出个人计算机;至于IBM的个人计算机推动了整

个计算机业的发展,则也是之后的事情了。而当今我们习以为常的很多技术,在那时都还没出现。包括WWW> 网络,卫星电视,32位终端游戏机等等。如今的很多计算机巨头,则也一样在当时还没建立。包括AOL,Sun ,亚马逊,康柏,戴尔等等。



royaso avatar Jun 08 '15 10:06 royaso


lifanxi avatar Jun 09 '15 00:06 lifanxi